Thursday, September 13, 2012

You Lost Your Bill of Rights

German Military Philosopher Carl Von Clausewitz (circa 1816) defined war as, in its simpliest form, the ability of your oppponent to force you to do something you would not normally do.
For instance, war does not have to involve bullets flying and people dying. War in its simpliest defination is--Forcing your opponent to do what they would not normally do. Here is an example, if I told you to wear purple shoes and you say, "No" then you won and I lost. Now, if I offered you 1,000 dollars to wear purple shoes and you took the money and started wearing purple shoes, I won and you lost.
This whole flack about Muslims throughout the Arab Spring countries being angry at some anti-Islamic film is about one thing---QUELLING YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
When the U.S. Government attacks a private citizen for expressing his/her First Amendment Rights becuase a group from another country is angry then THEY WON AND WE LOST.
Muslims forced American policy makers to attack the Freedom of Speech for Americans. Notice that U.S. policymakers did not first condemn the attacks on our embassies. They attacked America's FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.
Could the Libyan attack have been another false flag and our fellow Americans were expendable? 
More than 3,000 Egyptian demonstrators tore down the Stars and Stripes at the US Embassy in Cairo on the anniversary of 9/11 and replaced it with a black Al Qaeda flag. In response to this outrageous act of war, US Embassy officials in Cairo issued a cowardly statement condemning "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions." Later another Islamic mob stormed the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya killing the US Ambassador and three other Americans. Most recently, another protest at the embassy in Yemen again breached security walls, but no US personnel were injured there.
Why is this happening right now? The answer lies in our attitude toward the world and the threat of terrorism. On September 23, 1980 the head of Israeli intelligence, Isser Harel, said that America was developing a dangerous tolerance for terror. He said, "America has the power but not the will to fight terrorism. Terrorists have the will but not the power." He further said all that would change with time because Arab oil could buy more than Bedouin tents. Harel prophetically predicted that the first terrorist attack on American soil would be on New York City's tallest building.
Today the same Liberal Left pied-pipers are playing the same song they played more than thirty years ago. Rather than believe that those who wage war against us are evil, they would have us believe that we are the evil ones for retaliating--or worse, preemptively striking to prevent danger to regional or world security. We see this mindset on display when a modern-day Hitler on steroids--Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--is invited to address the United Nations on Yom Kippur, and the Prime Minister of Israel cannot even get a meeting with the President of the United States.
This attitude of appeasement is deadly. It places the United States, Israel, and all those who have not yet bowed to the will of Islamic sharia law in great danger. There is a literal life and death struggle taking place on the world stage today. And you and I must be more than spectators to these prophetic events.

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