Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dolan Addesses The Party Of Death

Dolan gave the kind of benediction that the Obama re-election campaign probably feared he would give when Dolan was initially rejected, and later approved, to give the closing prayer.

“Grant us the courage to defend life…waiting to be born, welcomed & protected,” he said, excoriating Democrats to support religious liberty as well in light of the controversial Obama HHS mandate that Catholics and pro-life advocates oppose. Dolan prays for “life, without which no other rights are secured.”
“God grants us the right to life so we can choose liberty and happiness,” he said, adding that unborn children should “be welcomed and protected.” He referred to the right to life, without which no other right has meaning, saying, “We praise You for the gift of life, grant us the courage to defend it.”
“Renew in all our people a profound respect for religious liberty, the first, most cherished freedom,” he said.
Below is the video of Cardinal Dolan's benediction at the Democratic convention.
Democrats were not too happy that Timothy Cardinal Dolan admonished them about respecting human life and religious liberty during his closing benediction at the Democratic National Convention.
On Twitter, hundreds of liberals vented their frustration with the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Below are a handful of the samples of F-bombs liberals dropped on the Catholic cardinal during and after his benediction.
The profanity-laden attacks continued long after the convention was complete.
More of the same intelligent responses:
Other examples of Tweets include:
@dozing_reverse - What the FUCK is Timothy Dolan doing there? I was so inspired – then I wanted to vomit. Thank god it turned off
Joshua Eaton @joshua_eaton -I grew up Catholic, converted to Buddhism, and still love Jesus, Mary, and religion in general. But Dolan can fuck off.
Xtian Paula @drowningn00b – The fuck is this? Why does the #dnc end in a prayer? Ugh, and it had to be Tim Dolan.

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