Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More Linkage: Southern Decadence Vs. Repentence

On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina (which in Greek means cleansing, or make "pure") put an end to a huge homosexual event in New Orleans. Now, exactly seven years to the day after Katrina, New Orleans has had exactly a "sabbath" of years to turn around (repent); what have they done? This weekend in New Orleans a huge event called "Southern Decadence" is scheduled, a major homosexual celebration. It's about to be interrupted by another "act of God," a hurricane named Isaac.

Obviously, the LGBTQ community didn't learn, didn't repent. What "act of God" are they about to be hit with ...again: Isaac, which in Hebrew means "Laughter." That brings to mind several scriptures from the Psalms about those who reject God:
Psalm 2:4 says "He that sits in the heavens shall laugh (Isaac): the Lord shall have them in derision."
Psalm 37:13 says "The Lord shall laugh (Isaac) at him; for he sees that his day is coming."
Psalm 59:8 But thou, O LORD, shall laugh (Isaac) at them; thou shall have all the heathen in derision."
How clear does the Author of scripture have to make it? Is it that homosexuals don't believe God, or is it that they'd rather spend forever in agony than to obey Him?
I know what happened to Sodom, but I don't know what will happen the next couple days in New Orleans. What is clear is that the warnings of the past have been ignored. I will not be praying for those who mock their Creator, nor for the city which welcomes them, only that the Godly be saved out of any disaster. I'd rather the LBGTQs turn away from such debauchery, and be saved - both from the coming storm, and from hell.
Meanwhile, the Democrat presidential platform supports "Gay" marriage, while the Republican platform now being written, supports a "Palestinian" state be carved out of Israel. Now there's something to pray about: the leadership of America, lest He who sits on the throne laughs at us all.
In case you're not familiar with the event called "Southern Decadence," this description was copied today, before Isaac's landfall, from a secular news article on the internet:
Southern Decadence is a huge pride venue for the LGBTQ in New Orleans that rivals the famed Mardi Gras. This year will make 41 years this event has taken place and Paul Revere, one of the events coordinators, saying that no hurricane is not going to stop this show.
..... it will be hard to frighten the gay residents of New Orleans away this Labor Day Weekend. Southern Decadence is more than just a celebration. It is a time honored tradition that goes back past Isaac, Katrina and the chaos that has already come or could be coming now.
With participants to top over the 100,000 mark with revenue and tourists sales hitting $125 million, this once small gathering is a needed attraction that gives life to the city financially but culturally. Southern Decadence expresses the very foundation of the gay community and opens the doors for others to learn about the true spirit of the gay community among the atmosphere of friends.
So storm or no storm, this train is moving forward and no matter what happens, the LGBTQ is New Orleans is going to stand their ground. That is what Southern Decadence is all about

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