Sunday, August 26, 2012

Neil Armstrong, A Great Man Dies

I sadly learned of Neil Armstrong's death this morning.
I had the honor and privilege of interviewing Neil Armstrong for his security clearance and also interviewing him as a reference for other security clearances.
One time when I went to his home I noticed his foot steps in the snow and I thought to myself WOW - those are the footsteps of the first man to walk on the moon.
I found Neil to be nervous about the interviews, engaging, fascinating, humorous, captivating and courteous. I knew from his responses to my questions that Neil was a serious man and hence probably a top notch engineer.
I asked Neil who was the most interesting person he ever met. I expected him to say the Pope, President Nixon, Elvis or somebody famous instead he said somebody like Floyd Smith. Neil said Floyd was the best test engineer he ever met. In fact, Floyd was so good, said Neil, he could tell you everything about an aircraft 45 minutes after Floyd had flown the aircraft. Of course, I had never heard of Floyd Smith.
I also asked him if it bothered him that other astronauts got more publicity than he did and he said no, it didn't matter to him.
I asked him if he thought about God's universe as he travelled to the moon and he said no he was too focused on the mission to think about it.
Friends, I can tell you this, the lunar module was running out of fuel as Neil loked for a spot to land on the moon. If I had only 10 seconds of fuel left in my spacecraft I would want Neil Armstrong piloting my space craft.
Neil - God Bless you and God speed to you as you begin your greatest journey into God's incredible,  majestic and eternal heaven. We will miss you!

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