Friday, August 17, 2012

The Effects Of An EMP Attack

The nuke blew out light bulbs in Honolulu and put the local radio stations off the air.
A few old cars that do not have any computer whatsoever will probably work. Gas stations, however, without power do not pump gasoline. Food, refrigeration etc all could be big problems. I recommend you have a contingency plan. The EMP threat is not just from an enemy nation but also from the sun.
While it wouldn’t cause many immediate casualties, a successful EMP attack could decimate the US population in a matter of months. Estimates are that 70-90 percent of the current population would be unable to survive in the mid-1800′s standard of living that would result from an EMP attack.
In a worst case scenario, the US would become a third world country with as few as 30 million surviving residents who would exist on what they could grow or barter for. There wouldn’t be any electricity, autos, phones, radio or TV, no food distribution or health services, no gas or oil, no monetary or economic system, and no government. In effect we would cease to be a nation, at least for a while. This is why the President of Iran can say, “Imagine if there was no USA” and be taken seriously.
Because of the catastrophic effect of a successful EMP attack, I don’t know if it will happen before the Rapture of the Church, but it could very well take place during the Great Tribulation when by some accounts 2/3 of the world’s population will die.
At a conference of conservative students, Newt Gingrich spoke about an EMP.
Newt said Derecho storms give us an idea of what an "electromagnetic pulse attack" would be like. As you may or may not know, derecho storms gave us massive power outages that crippled parts of the country.
Newt's full quote was, "Any of you who were in Washington during the recent week-long opportunity to experiment with an electromagnetic pulse attack, just talk to people, we were out of electricity for seven days at our house." Interesting, don't you think?
This wasn't the first time that Newt warned us of EMPs. Check out this quote from an op-ed he wrote in the Washington Post just a month ago: "It is almost unthinkable, yet possible, that an enemy could detonate a nuclear weapon over the atmosphere over the continental United States, triggering an electromagnetic pulse. This would short-circuit our power grid, taking power off­line for months, perhaps even years…In a crisis, many in the Washington area could not even flee because the impact of an EMP attack would disable most cars and public transportation. The water supply would go dry without electricity to pump water from rivers and wells.
Imagine if you needed to find a bottle of potable water for, say, your children. How much would you pay? What would you pay with if every bank and ATM were shut down?
Public safety? Forget it. No power means no police cars, no communications and no 911 emergency service. For criminals, it would be time to run rampant."
There have been other instances where politicians and leaders have warned us of attacks on our power grid. The Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, has warned us of attacks to our power grid multiple times. He has stated over and over again that the next big attack on America would be through our power grid.
Terrorists aren't hiding in the woods waiting to pounce on us like guerrilla warfare of old, they are waiting in our computers and in our technology... just biding their time until the right moment when they will strike and shut down massive amounts of electricity so that we destroy ourselves.
One of the most critical things that you can do for yourself and your family is to get out in a crisis BEFORE everyone else. Why? Something happens in crisis situations that some of you may or may not have experienced. If you live in a major city, like Boston, Los Angeles, or Washington, D.C., you have experienced some of the worst traffic in the world... and it isn't even during a crisis situation. An average commute in any one of these places involves locked up traffic and a couple of hours to get only a couple of miles! In D.C. it can take up to 3 hours to get around the beltway in the morning or afternoon... and that's literally no distance whatsoever...
So what would happen if you put those same people in a crisis. Imagine millions of people, not just the thousands that are driving, running all at once.
As soon as they hear that there is a terrible situation on the way, they will run for the exit of the city. Where will you be when this happens?
Gridlock could occur that would shut down entire cities, counties and maybe even states. We have seen it before with Katrina and other major storms or uncontrollable events like earthquakes. Everyone leaves... and when there aren't enough roads to hold everyone, they all get stuck in one place not far from their homes. And we haven't even gotten to the part when the government comes in to 'help you out.'
They become sitting ducks for whatever is on its way... and once you're in, there's no way out.
If you are interested in prepping I sell water barrels. You can leave a comment on this blog if you are interested in water barrels.
Watch the video below to learn about the prepper congressman.

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