Thursday, August 9, 2012

Middle East & Persian Update

The Dark Prince Bandar With GB 1

Prince Bandar In His Arab Garb
The Saudi Arabian leadership has broken its silence. All is allegedly well in the House of Saud. "The Saudi daily Arab News in its August 4 edition denied the death of Prince Bandar bin Sultan Arab News is the official mouthpiece of the royal family. It is owned by Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince and Defense Minister of the Kingdom. Okay, so the official mouthpiece of Saudi Arabia says Bandar is alive and well. So, why isn’t Prince posing for cameras? People want to see the Prince and until that happens the rumors of his death won't die. Since there are no recent photos of the Prince in action we must conclude that he is dead or wounded until the Saudis prove otherwise. Is the Prince hiding because other Iranian bombs are waiting for him? After all the Iranian surrogates struck a blow at the Sunni Great Satan and the House of Saud cannot feel safe.

Last year I explained that Prince Bandar was preparing to distance Saudi Arabia from Washington and move Saudi Arabia closer to nuclear Pakistan, Russia and China. Saudi Arabia’s recent nuclear missile deal with China seems to buttress what I said. As you know I have been saying for years that if Iran gets the Shia bomb then Saudi Arabia must have the Sunni bomb. Over the years, division within the Saudi royal family has grown over the issue of U.S. protection vs. protection from Pakistan, China and Russia.
The possible assassination of Prince Bandar makes my analysis plausible. Prince Bandar knew his regime was targeted by Washington for regime change, so he started looking for a friendly power to protect Saudi Arabia. Some believe the Washington elite were angered by Prince Bandar leading Saudi Arabia’s strategic foreign policy revolution. The people around Bandar see Obama, the CIA and U.S. intelligence agencies as the main threats to the internal security of the Saudi regime. We now have proof that Saudi Arabia is moving under the Chinese and Pakistani nuclear umbrella. Let me put it to you simply. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have been totally dominated by the US, bombed in the case of Pakistan, and now they are trying to make a jailbreak.”
Let me go further, an alliance between Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, and Russia signals the end of U.S.-British hegemony in the Middle East. The U.S. and Great Britain would be checkmated if Prince Bandar succeeded in disconnecting Saudi Arabia from Washington’s iron grip.
The British have always said that great powers don’t have permanent allies, only permanent interests. In the case of Saudi Arabia it couldn’t be truer. Keep in mind, just before the bombing in Saudi Arabia Prince Bandar had been made head of Saudi intelligence.
Let’s keep in mind the U.S. history of betrayal with its allies. Washington helped overthrow Mossadegh in Iran and installed the Shah, the U.S. allowed Batista to fall in Cuba, the U.S. overthrew Ngo Diem in South Vietnam and threw our South Vietnamese allies under the bus in 1975. Washington allowed our key ally in Persia the Shah of Iran to fall to Shia Islamic fundamentalists. The U.S. undermined Qaddafi in Libya after he made a deal with the U.S. to leave the terrorist game and, of course, we watched as our friend Mubarak in Egypt fell and now we are after Assad in Syria.
Washington acted against all these friends by destabilizing their regimes while covertly supporting their successors. Washington is operating on a hidden agenda that our citizens do not understand. I believe Washington is following Albert Pike’s and Mazzini’s play book that was written in 1870. Hidden satanic powers are dragging the Middle East and the world to the nuclear abyss. Is Prince Bandar’s disappearance the False Flag or the Archduke Ferdinand moment?
The Iranian government threatened the U.S. if any of the Iranian hostages held by rebels in Syria are harmed. Forty-eight Iranians and one Afghani interpreter were seized Saturday in Damascus by rebels seeking to overthrow Assad. Iran claims the Iranians are pilgrims but Abdel Shemir, a rebel commander charged they were members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). The rebels claim to have confiscated documents that proved the men were members of IRGC. In response to the abduction, Ali Larijani, the speaker of the Iranian Parliament, said quote, “America and certain countries of the region Saudi Arabia and Qatar are responsible for these crimes, and they will receive the appropriate response at the right time.” unquote The Youth Reporter’s Club, which is run by the IRGC in Iran also blamed America for the abduction, stating that America, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are involved in the events in Syria and that Iran is ready to quote “change the proxy war into a direct confrontation on an immediate basis.” unquote The statement warned America that should any of the abducted Iranians be harmed, Iran will harm Americans. The threat was given to the Swiss ambassador in Iran, who acts on behalf of America’s interest because the U.S. and Iran have no diplomatic relations. The statement warned that Iran is ready to immediately attack America.
This warning would mean that Iranian terror cells and Hamas and Hezbollah are being activated. Iranian moles would attack America’s interests and take Americans hostage. This threat brings to mind the Marine barracks and French bombing in Lebanon, the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and the abduction, torture and murder of the CIA Beirut station chief William Buckley, in 1985. Dozens of Americans and Europeans were systematically taken hostage between 1982 and 1992 in Lebanon. Iranian leaders have continuously warned against “foreign intervention” in Syria. Speaker Larijani accused America of providing military support to the Syrian rebels and said on Sunday quote “The fire that has been ignited in Syria will take fearful (Israelis) with it,” unquote This week Iran dispatched Saeed Jalili, the senior aide to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and head of Iran’s Nat’l Security Council to Damascus, where he held meetings with Syria’s top officials, including Assad. Jalili discussed the rebellion in Syria and the need for a quick release of the abducted Iranians, and said Syria was an essential part of an “axis of resistance” against Israel and the West. Iran has formed a joint command and control center with Syria and Hezbollah and has warned that any outside aggression against Syria would be met with a heavy missile response from Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and Hamas with Israel, U.S. bases, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, oil export terminals and the Persian Gulf states facing the brunt of the attacks.
Based upon the information above I am issuing a travel warning. Stay away from glass windows in airports, restaurants, etc. Watch for suspicious people, especially people on motorcycles and watch out for suspicious packages, suit cases or computer cases left unattended. Try not to travel alone and do not get into a taxi with suspicious driver. Keep your hotel room double locked and do not let people into your hotel room unless you know who they are. Know the emergency phone number and the phone number of the police to call. The bomber in Bulgaria mingled with the Jewish crowd boarding an airport shuttle bus and had a bomb in his computer case. Therefore be especially watchful boarding airport shuttle buses. If you are in doubt or have a bad feeling about some of the people do not board a bus, taxi, train, subway or other vehicle and immediately seek the safety of the police. If you are traveling abroad or to the Olympics keep a low profile and pretend to be a Canadian. Hezbollah, Hamas and the Iranians are looking for Americans to kidnap and hold hostage for payback for the kidnapping of their people in Syria. If you are Jewish be especially on guard while attending synagogue or other Jewish functions. Remember Jewish institutions were attacked in Argentina and India. Try to stay away from large crowds and subways as much as possible. Remember, you are better to be late and delayed rather than dead. The threat is even inside Israel. Shin Beit has uncovered a Lebanese Hezbollah cell operating secretly out of the Israeli Galilee towns of Nazareth and Abatin. It was made up of locals and 10 residents of the divided Israeli-Lebanese town of Ghajar. 24 explosive “bricks” smuggled from Lebanon, 21 kilos of bomb materials and side-arms were found in the terrorists hide out. The cell stayed in touch with its Hizbollah controllers in Lebanon through Israeli Arab dope smugglers.
Remember what God says in Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
In Syria yesterday, rebels abandoned Syria’s 2nd largest city of Aleppo.
Egyptian President Mursi sacked his intelligence chief on Wednesday and Egyptian helicopters, aircraft and army units hit the villages of Al Arish, Shaikh Zuwaid and al-Toumah in the Sinai in the biggest assault in the area since the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Militants launched a deadly attack on Sunday that killed16 Egyptian border police and seized Egyptian APCs. The gunmen then smashed the APCs through to the Kerem Shalom terminal. The Israeli Air Force destroyed two APCs seized by the militants. Some of the terrorists were killed by Israeli fire. Yesterday 3 Egyptian soldiers and 2 policemen and 20 militants were killed in gun battles. The terrorists move via tunnels in Sinai used to smuggle goods into Gaza. Egypt began sealing off the tunnels upsetting Gaza residents who had expected better relations with Cairo after Mursi's election. Israel has been urging Egypt to deal with a growing threat in Sinai and voiced approval of the security crack down. Militants have stepped up attacks on security forces and destroyed natural gas and oil pipelines on the border since the overthrow of president Mubarak. Many of terrorists live among Bedouin tribes and are angry about being neglected by Cairo; they often are followers of fundamentalist Islam. Israel blamed the attack on Sinai Salafists while Egypt blamed Hamas. Al Qaeda did not claim responsibility for the attack and the terrorists could have been Iranian surrogates.
Mursi, who took office in June, appointed Mohamed Shehata as acting head of intelligence and sacked the governor of the north Sinai region. Mursi also asked the head of Egypt's armed forces, Field Marshal Tantawi, to appoint a new head of military police, and named a new head of the presidential guard. Last August armed infiltrators killed eight Israelis on the Egyptian frontier. Mubarak's government worked closely with Israel to secure Sinai. An Israeli official confirmed security and intelligence coordination took place between Egypt and Israel to counter the terrorists.
God Bless

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