Thursday, August 16, 2012

End Times Update And Middle East/Persia Update

Gospel Message
After the great flood wild beasts began multiplying faster than human beings. People came to live in horror of being attacked and eaten by these ferocious animals. Nimrod came on the scene as mankind’s “savior.” Nimrod developed a powerful, almost godlike reputation. Nimrod became known as a mighty one, a mighty hunter in opposition and defiance to the true Lord. Politically and spiritually Nimrod set himself as god in blatant defiance to his Creator. The historian Hislop tells us that the amazing extent of the worship of Nimrod indicates something extraordinary about his character. He was extremely popular. He successfully got people to give up their liberty by conferring benefits on his followers. He was the preeminent benefactor of the human race in that age. Nimrod consolidated his power on earth by gathering people together in masses and surrounding people with protective walls. In short, he gave people security and protection in an uncertain and dangerous world. The people felt they were indebted to Nimrod. Next he set to work freeing people from their fear of the true Lord. Proverbs 9:10 tells us fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. True happiness can only be found with the Lord. People gave Nimrod the title Emancipator and Enlightener. Nimrod was a great apostate, destroying testimony from Noah and his descendants. As satan’s accomplice he turned mankind’s mind away from the true God. Nimrod gave people the false assurance that they could achieve happiness in this world without God. Nimrod convinced mankind heaven was far from the earth and that God did not care about mankind. He also convinced men that their “good works” would make them feel good and give them salvation on earth.
According to the Mystery Babylonian system Nimrod – the rebel and builder of the Tower of Babel was the great instrument in teaching mankind to believe real spiritual change in heart was unnecessary and foolish. Nimrod led mankind to seek their chief good in sensual pleasure and he showed his followers how to enjoy the pleasures of sin, without any fear of the wrath of God. Nimrod, in his expeditions was always accompanied by troops of women, music, games and revelry. When the people gave up the worship of the one true God Nimrod and his wife - Semiramus convinced people to worship false images of creeping things. The people recalled hearing of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden who promised to reveal to man the knowledge of good and evil. The Serpent allegedly did not command mankind to do anything to receive this knowledge. Under Nimrod the sun became a favorite object of worship because of the light and heat it gives. The serpent became the “illuminator” of the spiritual world and the Sun the “illuminator” of the physical world. The most common symbol of the sun-god became a disk with a serpent coiled around it. The serpent is universally recognized as a symbol of sun.
These were just a few of the false, satanically-inspired beliefs into which the collectivist sheeple of Nimrod’s day were led. Next Nimrod created the Babylonian system of civil and religious government. This Babylonian monstrosity has dominated all but a small remnant of society down to the present day.
Nimrod and his ideological successors have always been collectivists and one world government people. From the beginning, manipulation and control of people has been central to satan’s ambition. Satan’s foremost crazed lust is to be just like the One true God. This is why satan is the great counterfeiter and why the anti-christ his son will be the great counterfeiter.
God says in Isaiah chap 14 verses 12-19 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Verse 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Verse 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Verse 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Verse 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
Verse 17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
Verse 18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.
Verse 19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcass trodden under feet.
Satan is the most unrecognized power behind the world’s most unholy trinity – the false religions, the false political systems and false commercial systems. This unholy trinity is the great whore whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication with. This system is condemned in the Bible as MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. In Revelation chap 17 verses 1-6 God says it is “drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus,” it has proven to be hideous curse to mankind. John wondered in admiration at the great deception of Mystery Babylon and the unholy trinity of Mystery Babylon deceives our world today.
Now to End Times news. 2012 has been the hottest summer on record in the U.S. Thousands of high temperature records have been equaled or broken. In many parts of the country ponds, lakes, streams and rivers are deproved of oxygen and hence the fish are dying. Some scientists believe the the cause of the draught is the increasing temperature of the Sun, some believe man’s effort to change the earth’s climate through the use of chemical trails. 2012 is the hottest summer on record in the U.S. Thousands of high temperature records have been equaled or broken. Some scientists believe the the cause of this is the increasing temperature of the Sun and some believe man’s effort to change the earth’s climate. Friends, this Friends, we know this trend of erratic weather will continue until the day when God causes the solar events in Rev 16 to happen. Let’s listen to what God says in Rev chap 16: verse 8-9 The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him. See the video below.
There is another incident of red-winged blackbirds falling dead from the sky.  Residents in a Cumberland County, N.J., community were left wondering what caused dozens of birds to drop dead from the sky earlier this week. Residents in Millville found at least 80 dead birds -- mostly red-winged blackbirds -- on the ground, having fallen from trees and the sky. It was "crazy -- something out of a movie," said resident Michelle Cavalieri, who saw the birds fall. The birds caused a bloody mess on roadways in the residential neighborhood. "They’d get up and try and fly and they were out of control so they’d crash and fall again," said resident Jim Sinclair. "It was just strange." Animal control, public health officials and other emergency crews were on the scene Tuesday morning collecting dead birds to try and figure out exactly what caused so many of them to die. Cumberland County Public Information Officer Troy Ferus provided the official cover story. He said the birds' death likely was caused by something they ate -- a granular pesticide put down legally by nearby Ingraldi Farms. Officials say the dead birds are not toxic, but that any member of the public that encounters a dead bird should use gloves when picking it up and wash their hands thoroughly after handling and disposing of it in the trash. Officials urged residents to remain inside "due to an odor and the death of several birds in the area." Recently, bird kills have happened in various locations around the world -- possibly none more famous than the New Year’s Eve death of hundreds of blackbirds in Arkansas.

You may recall the 5.8-magnitude earthquake that was

centered on Mineral, Virginia on 23 Aug. 2011. The 2011

quake split the Washington Monument. Mineral, Va. was

rattled by another minor earthquake on Tuesday. The 2.4-

magnitude earthquake’s epicenter was 6 miles southeast of

Mineral. The region has experienced dozens of aftershocks

since the 2011 quake. No damage has been reported from the latest temblor.

Now the Middle East/Persian news: In Lebanon Saudi, UAE and Qatar tourists have been warned to leave Lebanon immediately because of the threat of kidnapping.
A successful Muslim Brotherhood coup e’tat has taken place in Egypt. Last Wednesday, newly elected president Morsi fired his intelligence chief and other top security officials On Sunday Morsi took his purge one step further, dismissing the entire military leadership. Morsi also nullified a constitutional declaration issued by the military junta that severely limited his presidential authority, replacing it with one that gives him sweeping executive and legislative powers. Morsi now has more power than Hosni Mubarak had and his new power gives Morsi a decisive role in the drafting of Egypt’s as yet unfinished new constitution. Morsi becomes the supreme commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces, president of the National Defense Council, and Egypt’s president. Hitler seized similar powers in Nazi Germany. Sunday was also the first time the Egyptian public was made aware of what was going on. Morsi contended the move was not made to “embarrass” the military or its leadership, but to act in the “best interests of the nation.” Hmmm, that sounds ominously familiar. Can you say Reichstag fire? The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court now ceases to be a binding force. Morsi’s new declaration of powers effectively neutralizes the Supreme Constitutional Court.During the coup the Egyptians moved American-made M-60 tanks up to the Israeli border, which is a violation of the 1979 treaty between the two nations. Last week, Morsi said that 1979 treaty clauses “not deemed beneficial to Egyptian interests” would have to be eliminated. The terrorist attacks in the Sinai last week were being used as an excuse by the MB to remove military men such as Tantawi and Anan — because they were seen as the last major impediments to the Muslim Brotherhood’s complete takeover of Egypt. Morsi also cracked down on the press.. On Saturday, Al-Dustour, a privately owned newspaper, had its editions confiscated after an Egyptian court ruled that it had insulted Morsi and instigated sectarian discord. Oh, Al-Dustour was merely warNing Egyptians that the MB was going to seize power. Egyptian security officials Sunday reported that government forces had killed seven terrorists in raids of their hideouts in the village of al-Ghora 30 kilometers south of El Arish in N. Sinai. Egyptian officials failed to mention that the battle was fought to lift the Islamist terrorists’ siege on the multinational force’s northern headquarters at al Ghora, most of whose members are Americans. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced Tuesday that extra military equipment would be supplied to the MFO to strengthen its ability to defend itself. No more troops would be sent out, he said. The peacekeepers, drawn from 11 nations led by the US, monitors Sinai and the Egyptian-Israel borders under the 1979 Egyptian-Israel peace accords. Iran will have enough weapons grade uranium to build its first nuclear bomb, in six weeks and two-to- four bombs by early 2013. Iran has progressed in developing the detonator and fuses for a nuclear warhead which can be fitted onto Shehab-3 ballistic missiles capable of reaching Israel.
Lebanese Member of Parliament Walid Sakariya--who is also a member of the Hezbollah terrorist organization--left no doubt about the purpose of Iran's nuclear program in a television interview this week. "This nuclear weapon is intended to create a balance of terror with Israel, to finish off the Zionist enterprise, and to end all Israeli aggression against the Arab nation," Sakariya said. "The entire equation in the Middle East will change."
In Syria Western and Arab sponsors have ratcheted up their military assistance to the Syrian rebels by giving them 20 Russian-made T-62 tanks from Libya. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave the nod for the transfer of the tanks to the rebels during her visit to Istanbul on Saturday, the 13th. The rebels have been supplied by Turkey with their first batch of FIM-92 Stingers anti-aircraft missiles. On Monday rebels shot down a Syrian Air Force Mig-21using Stingers. Assad’s free rein of the skies and the battlefield has ended.
The 20 T-62 tanks from Libya were unloaded last week at the Turkish port of Iskenderun, already painted over with FSA insignia. They were handed to Syrian rebel teams trained in tank warfare and have since crossed into northern Syria.
Israel, Turkey and Jordan have formed teams to work with the US military on setting up counter-measures and emergency medical aid in the event of those countries and US military facilities come under chemical or biological attack.

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