Sunday, July 29, 2012

Aurora Shooter Was Not A Lone Wolf

Black Bloc Radicals

The Aurora shooter was dressed like "Black Bloc" members
First, I freely admit I may be wrong in some of my thoughts and conclusions below.
Second, I did not watch the lame stream media reports (CBS, ABC, FOX, NBC, CNN etc.) about the shooting. I believe the lame stream medi is full of lies, false information and propaganda. e.g. Brian Ross's reporting on the shooting. Third, I came to the following conclusions based on my own research and experience with the Army and in counter-terrorism operations.
Third, I suspect we will never know the truth. If Holmes becomes too big of a liability he will be tried and executed before he spills the beans like McVeigh, die in jail like Jack Ruby or die of a sudden heart attack like Breitbart or Alex Okrent or of Ricin poisoning like Saddam's British "long gun" man in Britain or nuclear poisoning like the Russian journalist that Putin "offed" or allegedly hanged like the mistaken John Doe #2, Trentadue, in Oklahoma City. Hey if they (the Illuminati or its surrogates) want to get rid of you, it is pretty easy for them to murder someone.
Fourth, in the intelligence arena, the government and the Illuminati there is the "white" world of truth, the "black" world of lies, subterfuge, & ops the "gray" world and then there is "never never land" e.g. Oklahoma City, 9-11, Obama's background, the 2008 collapse, rendition, cyber warfare, the death of Osama bin Laden & Seal Team 6, the covert war in Iran & Syria etc. etc. etc.
Fifth, if you think things are pretty bad now or getting bad, wait till we are "Raptured" out of here and the world is populated by mostly ungodly people.
Sixth, based on the eye witness accounts I have read and heard so far  believe Holmes did not act alone. For example, one witness said another person (John Doe #1) threw a smoke canister on the other side of the theater opposite from Holmes. Perhaps the plotters believed a smoke canister on the other side would force people to run towards Holmes at the other exit door so the victims could be shot easily. Another witness said Holmes was heavily dressed in black Black Bloc not SWAT gear. This witness said such dress would have been noticed if Holmes entered the front entrance. A witness said someone (possibly John Doe #2) let Holmes in the exit door after that person received a cell phone call in the theater. Witnesses said they heard the person's phone ring and John Doe #2 got up went to the door and opened it for Holmes to enter.
A picture of Holmes has surfaced of him being arrested in New York as a member of the occupy movement. Eye witness accounts say Holmes was dressed like a member of  a SWAT team which resembles the "Black Bloc" dress. The "Black Bloc" is int'l in scope and is the militant, violent, anarchist wing of the Occupy Movement. I was surprised by Homes' mother's brief statement correcting an incorrect media report. She seemed rather matter of fact almost like she was expecting something of this sort.
Personally, I think Holmes dyed his hair red to cover up his part in the occupy movement in New York. In the New York picture he had black hair.
I do not care how smart Holmes is supposed to be, someone in a radical organization with bomb-making experience helped him rig his apartment with explosives. I think someone or some people in the Black Bloc Occupy Movement or a radical underground group gave Holmes his expensive equipment and helped him rig his apartment. Again in my opinion, Holmes appears drugged up in court and has a look on his face like "damn they set me real good, I am screwed!" Holmes is also reacting like Tim McVeigh, not saying a word, like a true soldier to the cause and he and his parents are lawyering up. McVeigh knew what his mission was and swore himself to secrecy.
I helped interrogate Zarqawi's master bomber, al Kurdi,  and others in Iraq. Al Kurdi was proud of his work like a professional bomber or a professional Mafia hit man would be. Al Kurdi freely talked about his bombings. Al Kurdi knew the "gig" was up when we captured him so there was nothing for him to lose. So far, in my opinion, Holmes has not reacted like a professional bomber or serial killer. So Holmes apartment is professionally rigged with explosives yet he tells the police about it like a rank amateur. This doesn't make sense to me. A real professional or serial killer it seems to me, would have enjoyed more death carnage. e.g. like a "fire bug" or like al Kurdi who remained at his bombing locations to watch the bombs go off and then calmly caught a bus to leave the area.
As you all know by now, I do not trust or watch the mass media including FOX anymore. Their stories, in my opinion, are full of lies and propaganda. I think our citizens would be well served to turn off all cable news and the 4 biggies: ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX.
By the way, I think the Batman movies have an occult tone to them. (See the link below.) Heath Ledger died shortly before the release of Dark Knight. and Morgan Freeman had a bad accident. Dark Knight Rising has an occult tone to me and to me means Satan. Jesus Christ is our Morning Star. Evil loves darkness and the attack was at midnight. Again satan acts like a counterfeit bringing death & destruction to humans while Christ brings salvation, love & righteousness.
Information is now surfacing that Holmes and his father were possibly involved in government (DARPA) mind control research - neuro science.
On the day of the shooting authorities in Colorado were practicing a scenario for a mass shooting in theater. Keep in mind when the 7-7 2005 bombing occurred in London the authorities were also practicing for bombings.  Authorities were also practicing on 9-11. Gee, what a coincidence. See the links about the shooting and the mind control (MK ultra = mind control ultra) information directly below.
Listen carefully to the Reality Check reporter. He says Holmes was dressed like a member of the Occupy Movement and that Holmes had help in the attack!
Also Nationally-known private investigator Bill Warner was the first to connect Colorado massacre shooter James Holmes to the Occupy Black Bloc group, citing the similarities and  modus operandi (mo) of the anarchistic group to Holmes.
A photo from October 2011 has now surfaced of an Occupy New York protester being carried away by police that appears to be James Holmes. A private investigator from Kellerman Investigations has named the protester in the photo as Holmes, and a website called Godlike Productions has a post where facial recognition software was used, comparing the photo from 2011 with Holmes’ “Joker” photo posted days before the massacre on his “Adult Friend” profile.
If indeed Holmes is part of the Occupy movement, and specifically the Occupy Black Bloc group—which is basically a clone of Obama crony Bill Ayers’ Weathermen group—then Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the whole of the Mainstream Media have a lot of explaining to do. Why? Because while they were all praising and extolling the Occupy movement, the Black Bloc group was rioting, destroying private property, and planning to set bombs
What do they expect? A group that identifies themselves as anarchists? The President of the United States praising and extolling them? What does he think is going to happen when an Occupier with a screw loose joins with an anarchist group?
Holmes appears in the video below.

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