Sunday, July 15, 2012

Neo-Ottoman Empire Rising

The Ottoman Empire At The Peak Of Its Power
The Islamic Caliphate, The Ottoman Empire, was headquartered in Turkey, was one of the longest lasting empires in history spanning 624 years from 1299 to 1923. It ruled over much of southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Its control over the Middle East was far greater than that of the Roman Empire. Some scholars, including myself, now believe that a revised Ottoman Empire is the one prophesied by Daniel as the end-time antichrist system. Also the antichrist army of Ezekiel 38 is led from specific locations in Turkey--Magog, Meshech, Tubal. Yeshua HaMashiac says in Revelation 2:13 that Pergamos is "even where Satan's seat is...where Satan dwells." Pergamos is in Turkey. Turkey’s rising status is a sign of these prophetic times in which we live.

Since the Islamist-oriented party took over in Turkey the following has occurred:
The murder rate of women has increased 1,400%
Freedom of the press has declined
Prime Minister Erdogan has embraced Hamas
Turkey has threatened military force against both Israel and Cypress
Turkish & Islamic radicals sent the flotilla to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza
Obama has telephoned Turkey's Erdogan more than any other leader except Britain's prime minister in 2011
The US has done more in the past ten years to support Islamic expansion than ever before. U.S. support for Islamic expansion has exponentially accelerated in the past three years.
Given Turkey's fundamentalist turn, do you believe Turkey still belongs in NATO?
A map of the Islamic Caliphate that ruled over the Middle East and Eastern Europe from 1299 to 1923 indicates that America has helped reestablish Islam in well over half of the land mass of the former Ottoman Empire. After World War II, the US supported the democratization of Turkey, the linchpin in end time eschatology as revealed in Revelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel.
The former Ottoman Empire nations are those mentioned in Ezekiel 38, Psalm 83, and the Beast Empire in Daniel 11 that comprise the specific nations that come against Israel in the Day of the Lord. While there is no specific mention of America in the Bible, her prophetic role is significant.
Turkey (Gomer, Tubal, Gog & Meshech) is a strategic jig saw puzzle piece for “End Times” prophecy and natural gas and oil is adding fuel to the current tension in the Levant.
Erdogan the leader of Turkey said, “Turkey will not allow Israel to exploit ‘one-sided’ the giant natural gas deposits in the eastern Mediterranean”
Erdogan is a new Ahmadinejad another virulent anti-Semite who lashes out at Israel almost daily. Recently he said Israel was using the Holocaust to perpetuate the idea "that they are the victims all the time"
Erdogan ordered the termination of defense contracts & other dealings with Israeli firms and recalled Turkey’s ambassador to Tel Aviv
The area around Crete Has 2 to 3.5 trillion cubic meters of gas equaling 20-22 billion barrels of oil
This is comparable with what has been found in the Nile Delta, the Caspian Sea Norway and elsewhere.
Israeli discoveries of natural gas are described as the largest natural gas finds worldwide in the last decade and are centered on the Leviathan (its name has Biblical implication - aquatic beast) & Tamar fields. The Leviathan Basin stretches from Egypt to Syria and Cyprus, an estimated $4B in gas & oil & is worth fighting over for an energy-poor country like Turkey. Even larger gas deposits from Leviathan will be sold abroad starting in 2017. UBS estimates Leviathan will earn $3B in the first 3 years for Israel. After that, the gas revenue will double to $6B annually; this will make Israel an important int’l gas exporter.
USGS estimates the coastal areas from Israel’s border with Egypt north to Syria alone contain 122 trillion cubic’ of natural gas Levant also may hold estimated 1.7B barrels of oil.
Natural gas deposits in the Tamar field alone will make Israel self-sufficient in natural gas, thus increasing Israeli national security. Deliveries are expected to begin in 2013.
Israel imports 40% of its natural gas from Egypt & Egypt supplies 20% of Israel’s electrical generation. Egyptian source is unreliable due to attacks on the Sinai pipeline carrying the gas and Egypt’s drift into the hard-line fundamentalist camp. It has been attacked almost monthly.
Furthermore, Turkey controls Turkish Cyprus and wants a piece of the Levant Basin fields.
Coming back to Turkey – The Turks badly need energy resources and I think would risk war to get them.
Furthermore, Turkey is implementing its neo-Ottoman Empire foreign policy and wants to become the regional power in the Middle East again. Oil is the one ingredient missing in Turkey’s bid for its new caliphate. A P. state gives Turkey her vaunted position.
In late December 2011 Cypriot President Demetris Christofias warned Turkey to stop its warships from shelling the strip of water dividing the Cypriot and Israeli gas exploration zones in the eastern Mediterranean. Turkish warships began turning their guns on the strip dividing Israel's Leviathan gas field from Block 12 of Cyprus's Exclusive Economic Zone-EEZ, where a large gas field was recently discovered.
In response Israel signed a defense pact with Greece & Cyprus and Israeli F-15s and F-16s are now based at "Andreas Papandreou" airbase in Paphos in Cyprus & based on some Greek airfields. This is a response to the numerous provocative flybys that have been made over the last 2 months off the coast of Israel by Turkish aircraft. Israeli aircraft are also gathering electronic intelligence information (ELINT) on Turkey.
In late December Israel canceled the $90 million sale to the Turkish Air Force of Elbit's hi-tech LOROP-Long Range Oblique Photography military surveillance system. Israeli defense sources said the transaction was cancelled lest SAR radar or LOROP technology find their way into the hands of Iran.
Jerusalem, Athens and Nicosia are economic and security partners in the exploration and development of eastern Mediterranean gas resources. Noble Energy Inc of Houston, Texas, is working both the Cypriot and Israeli fields.
The recent discovery that the gas fields are much bigger than first believed has raised the economic stakes. Israel, Greece, Crete and Greek Cyprus governments want to become major gas suppliers to Europe and thus reduce the continent's dependence on Russian and Turkish gas pipelines.
Noble Energy's latest estimate in Dec. added 6.3 percent to the Leviathan basin untapped potential, raising it from the previous estimate of 16 to 20 trillion cubic feet.
Nicosia too will shortly issue an upwardly revised estimate of its gas field. The new figure is cautiously estimated as 10 trillion cubic feet.
Both expect Ankara to escalate its nuisance offensive as new estimates are released.
Hillary Clinton called Turkey "the neighborhood bully," adding that a Turkey "whose foreign minister once promoted a policy of 'zero problems' with its neighbors is now pursuing a policy of 'only problems.' "
Oil & natural gas are the reasons why recognition of a Palestinian state is critical for the Palestinians! It will be much more difficult for Israel to exploit offshore natural resources & increase its security if the Palestinian Authority manages to get recognition for a Palestinian state by the UN. A new Palestinian state would lay an immediate legal claim to the 3.5 billion cubic meters of gas off Gaza's shore.

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