Saturday, July 14, 2012

Scandals and God

WTC On 9-11

The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
Federal scandals reflect poorly not only on the federal government and the president, but also on Americans. In reference to the Secret Service and GSA scandals, the deeper problem is that these Secret Service and GSA executives and employees involved, felt entitled to abuse their positions. These are deep rooted cultural, character and moral issues surfacing. The leadership at the top is not holding people accountable to moral and ethic standards. We the People also have been lax in not only instilling these qualities in our children, but also demanding them of our leaders. Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." I believe all the scandals in our republic are the result of the growing unpopularity of Biblical standards within our culture.

Before God judged Israel He sent them warnings.
Every 7th year God ordered the Jews to rest the land – no sowing, reaping, buying or selling
Shemitah culminates on the last day of the Hebrew year
Shemitah affected Israel’s economic and financial realms; all credit & debt accounts erased
When Israel defied God Shemitah became a sign of judgment.
Was it a Godly coincidence that on 11 Sept 2001, a Shemitah year, AQ attacked the U.S.?
On 12 Sep 11 U.S. Senator Tom Daschle defied God in his speech and he was eventually disgraced.
In Sep 2008, the end of the Shemitah year, our federal leaders and the Federal reserve defied God and the stock market suffered its second largest decline in history – on the very day, Shemitah, when credit and debt accounts are wiped out.
Judgment always returned Jewish focus to the place of consecration – God’s temple.
Does America have a place of consecration? YES!
A Christian locale - St. Paul’s chapel @ Ground Zero in New York City.
Keep in mind the U.S. does not have an Abrahamic covenant with the Almighty but the event on 9-11 certainly provide food for Christian and spiritual thought.

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