Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Miracle in Lebanon

Abraham Speaks With The Angels
Dr. Evans wrote the following article.
(Long before 9-11 the U.S. military was losing personnel to terrorist operations. It took 9-11 to cause the American people to wake up - Alan)

In October of 1983, I went to Beirut. I filled the trunk of the car with food and medicine and ministered to suffering Lebanese people who were being victimized by the PLO. I also took Bibles to share with the U.S. Marines who had been stationed in the city to keep the peace. I witnessed to them, and many were saved. When I asked if they would be going home for Christmas, they said they would not. So I got my cameraman, and we taped holiday greetings to share with their families.
I'll never forget the words of one young Hispanic Marine who looked in the camera and said, "Mom, I know you've been praying that I would find the Lord. I've got a Christmas present for you. I just accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior." That night I slept on the beachhead while the Marines returned to their barracks. Early the following morning, I was awakened shortly after 6:00 by a horrific sound.
A yellow Mercedes truck driven by an Iran-funded Hezbollah operative made its way to the Beirut International Airport where the Marines had set up their headquarters. The truck was not the water truck that was expected, but rather a hijacked truck carrying explosives. The driver turned onto an access road leading to the Marines' compound and circled a parking lot. He then accelerated and crashed through a barbed-wire fence around the parking lot, passing between two sentry posts, and crashed through a gate. He drove into the lobby of the Marine headquarters where the terrorist detonated the truck laden with explosives. It carried the equivalent of 12,000 pounds of TNT.
The force of the explosion caused the four-story building to pancake--one floor collapsing onto the one beneath it, crushing many of those inside. When the terrible rumbling had stopped and the dust-filled air rose into the sky, 241 American servicemen lay dead or dying. Many of them were men to whom I had given Bibles and shared the Gospel with the day before.
I knew I had to get back to Israel, but in the early morning darkness, I couldn't find the right road. I ended up in the middle of a Hezbollah funeral peopled by terrorists carrying a body above their heads. To be in an Israeli vehicle with Jerusalem license plates was like painting a bulls-eye on my forehead. Only through the mercy of God did we get through the crowd.
Our car was targeted by artillery shells, and I was driving as fast as I could....Suddenly, the car sputtered and stopped. We had run out of gas. As we sat there praying that angels of the Lord would protect us, a young Arab man, perhaps eighteen or nineteen, suddenly stepped out of the darkness. We were certain the end had come. He rapped on the window and held up a can of gasoline. He walked to the rear of the vehicle and emptied the can into the gas tank. He then came back and pointed at the door lock. I reached over and pulled up the button. He slid into the seat, and for the next thirty-two kilometers, he directed us by pointing his finger first one way and then another. He did not speak a word while directing us toward the border with Israel.
About fifty yards from the border, he held up his hands signaling me to stop. I stopped; he stepped out of the car, and we pulled up to the border crossing. An Israeeli lieutenant colonel walked up to the car and said, "We thought you were dead. We reported that to the prime minister's office. How did you survive?"
We turned back to look and there was no one on the road. It was an angel of the Lord! The scripture God had given me was from Isaiah 41:10: "Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God; I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

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