Wednesday, June 20, 2012

N. Korean Slave Camps

The Locations of Death Camps
                                                                               Photo of Camp 22        
Satellite Photo of Camp 22
At least 200,000 North Korean citizens, including many of our Christian brothers and sisters, suffer under brutal conditions in six confirmed labor camps for political prisoners.
Among the camps are ...
•Camp 14, which is known as a “complete control district,” meaning its 50,000 prisoners will work there until death.
•Camp 22, which is about the size of Los Angeles in area and is thought to be used for human experiments. It also holds about 50,000 prisoners.
•Camp 25, a camp controlled by the North Korean secret police and believed to hold felons, religious leaders and spies and their families.
Very few North Koreans have survived detention in a labor camp. Although the average sentence is 15 years, the average life expectancy in a labor camp is only seven years. Up to three generations of entire families have been detained in government efforts to “root out class enemies.”
With your help, The Voice of the Martyrs continues to penetrate the “Hermit Kingdom” with the message of Jesus Christ. Workers along the border and inside the country face the continual threat of arrest and the subsequent consequences. Yet additional workers are now in training to help with this dangerous work.
Please pray for North Koreans, our team of workers and the underground church and remember for people in these camps our worst day is always better than best day.

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