Wednesday, June 6, 2012

68 Years Ago Today D-Day

         Above, Ike's letter to the invading soldiers sailors & airmen of the AEF
Friends & Patriots,
I would just like to take a few lines to recognize the allied men and women who participated in the greatest invasion in history - D-Day. I especially want to recognize the killed and wounded from that epic landing. They were the true heroes.
If you still have a relative alive from WWII take a moment to tell them or telephone them and thank them for their great service to our Republic or an allied nation.
Below is a quote from General Eisenhower about the allied paratrooper casualties. Keep in mind, Ike’s staff estimated we would lose 70% of our airborne troops in the invasion.  “20% casualties is so much better than 70% but the loss of one of this gallant band is a loss to all decent humanity everywhere and besides if the person killed in action is you or the one you love then the odds are 100%. They knew that, these great crusaders but they went anyway. Too many of them are now with God. We may never see their like again. 
Churchill was absolutely correct in saying "Never in the face of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few."

  Ike speaks to some of the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division

                             Stand Up, Hook Up, Shuffle to the Door!"

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