Monday, May 28, 2012

Seig Heil!

The man who occupies the Oval Office has a distinct strategy to quell opposition of any kind to his policies and the Republicans and Democrats in Congress are letting him do it. This strategy is found in his legislative and legal actions. The Defense Authorization Act set very general language in its Section 1021 that did not require the government to detain US citizens without due process, and it exempted US citizens from the requirement, but the way the language is written, the president can call for a waiver due to a national emergency and actually detain US citizens without due process. Since then, however, the president has issued Executive Orders (EOs) that leave no doubt.

Friday March 16, he issued the Defense Resource Preparedness EO which ordered the nationalization of all of America's natural resources, energy, private industry, property, transportation, food resources, health supplies, farm equipment, technology and potable water. All the president has to do is declare a national emergency. On April 23 and again on May 16, the president issued EOs declaring a national emergency that people materially opposing his policies in Syria, Iran and Yemen could have their property confiscated because they are considered threats to national security. These EOs specifically stated that US citizens were included.
The president was dealt at least a temporary blow on May 16 when US District Judge Katherine Forrest ruled that the National Defense Authorization Act violates the First and Fifth Amendments. Forrest issued a preliminary injunction preventing the Administration from enforcing section 1021 pending further court or congressional action. Notwithstanding, each of these EOs and laws that undermine the Bill of Rights must be challenged otherwise they will remain in effect. The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Act--passed overwhelmingly and immediately signed by the president--makes it a felony to protest or impede government business in a "restricted area" which could be arbitrarily determined.
What happens if Americans impede the business of government while protesting? Isn't the right to assemble and speak what the First Amendment was designed to protect? What prevents the president from declaring it a national emergency against criticizing Islam? Or same sex marriage? Where is the outrage from the salt and light? Has Christianity become so neutered by bad doctrine that it no longer will stand against evil? Nations are comprised of people. We are a Christian nation because Christians occupy it. Have we no longer the will to occupy that the thief has clear access to our liberty?
In Jeremiah 4 there is an account of the Lord calling for repentance and expressing sorrow for the doomed nation of Israel. I cannot help but think that in spite of warning after warning, so many Americans, so many Christians, nonchalantly go about their business with no concern about the encroaching evil that will squeeze the lifeblood from them and their children. Verse 18 says, "Your way and your doings have procured these things unto you." How many people in the nations around the world envy our freedom, yet we are complacent to allow an evil rebellion to take it from us without so much as a shout.
EO Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen--
EO Blocking Property of Persons regarding Syria and Iran--
EO Nationalizing all US resources and property--
Federal Court blocks citizen detention plan--

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