Saturday, May 12, 2012

Syria Moving Scuds Closer To Israel's Border

            Syrian nuclear facility

In Isaiah chap 62 the Lord says "I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth"  I am your Watchman on the Wall in these troubled times.
Isa 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

A news report out of Jordan reveals that satellite photos show evidence Syria is moving Scud missiles closer to its border with Israel. The government of Syria is fighting a widespread rebellion and is the focal point of the current Sunni/Shia war for supremacy in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf states. The Assad regime is desperately clinging to power, and some analysts fear that an attack on Israel might be launched to unify the country against an outside enemy. The last time this happened last summer the Israelis warned the Syrians to move their Scuds back or the Israelis would personally kill Assad. The Syrians moved their missiles back. This week Netanayahu formed the strongest coalition in Israel's history. This indicates to me that Israel feels threatened militarily and is going on a war footing.
The report says that "hundreds of heavy missile launchers" were involved in the move--the type that launch longer-range missiles capable of striking anywhere inside Israel. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) along the northern border have been on heightened alert. Friends, I believe we are very close to the Isaiah 17 War.
What follows is a word of knowledge God gave me about Persia (Iran), Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and nuclear weapons. While the USA was sleeping war began in the Middle East. It is being fought on the Arabian peninsula, the Levant & in Persia. This war proves how clever Satan is. He can do things to us and we don’t even realize it until it is too late. This war began in Tunisia, then engulfed Algeria & Egypt. Then this war swallowed up Ghadaffi in Libya and now it has thrown Syria into civil war pitting Alawite Shia against Sunnis and foreign Sunni mercenaries. Assad has massed his army in Damascus because he fears a military coup against his regime. The Syrian army is starving on the border of Israel & the Israelis throw food parcels over the security fence.
• Everyone thinks the U.S. and the West supported and funded the Arab Spring but in actuality it was also funded by Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Gulfies who support and fund the Sunni rebels. The real purpose of the Arab Spring was to create a Sunni superstate to counter the Iranian Shiite superstate.
• Add Shia nuclear weapons to the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Hezbollah axis and you are looking at a Sunni’s worst nightmare. Who fears and hates an Iranian Shia bomb more than Israel. The answer is quite simple, the biggest and most important Sunni monarchy in the world – Saudi Arabia.
• The rise of a fanatically violent Shiite Iran has done more to destabilize the region than anything else.
• As much as Sunni Arabs prattle on about Zionist conspiracies, a few million Jews sandwiched in a narrow strip of land against the Mediterranean pose no threat to them.
What keeps the Saudis, Jordanians and Gulfies up at night are the following:
1. a rival version of Islam – Shiism that the Sunnis have suppressed since the death of the prophet and that is dedicated to converting the world to Shia global caliphate.
2. the disappearance of old, Sunni monarchies in the Muslim world
3. a spearhead by a non-Arab ethnic group – the Persians
4. the powerful Persian military machine and rival Persian oil economy
5. A regional power – Persia as old as human history itself; Persia had an empire and a powerful culture while the Arabian peninsula was populated by nomadic Jewish, pagan and illiterate tribes.It was the Persians who lost their great empire to Alexander the Great.
6. The fall of Saddam made southern Iraq available to the Persians and raised the prospect of a Shia superstate
7. The battle for hearts and minds threw Alawite Syria directly into Tehran’s paws.
8. A Shiite super state checkmates the Sunni oil monarchies and leaves them no choice but to demand that the USA and the West garrison them with troops, air bases and weapons.
Please note that when I use the term Gulfies below it refers to the Persian Gulf states & Saudi Arabia.
• The Gulfies do not object to using foreign soldiers to protect them. They already use armies of foreigners to do their work for them.
• No Gulfie state trusts its own military and besides the Gulfies are just too small to counter the warrior state of Persia. The Persians have a long proud military tradition. The Gulfies are simply no match for Iran. The Iranian military would clean the Gulfies clocks faster than you could spell Muhammad and they know it.
• What the Gulfies lack in military skills, they more than make up for in underhanded cunning. After all the Muslims invented assassins. If they can’t import an infidel army and they can’t build their own army, then they will follow the honorable tradition of finding a counterbalance to the enemy. The Sunnis have been nurturing the Muslim Brotherhood, rogue elements of Al Qaeda, other Sunni radicals and funding Al-Jazeera to counter the Persia threat. Combine that with an American administration eager to win over the Muslim world by changing & transforming American foreign policy, and one finds a debt ridden USA beholden to Saudi oil and the Gulfies.
• If Syria can be tipped into the Sunni camp, then Iran will lose its major puppet however, I think Iran will fight long and hard to keep Syria in its camp. Syria is a vital ally for Iran.
• A Sunni super state will have a military equipped with top of the line American and Russian equipment, funded by Gulfie oil money and backed by the lunatic fanaticism of Islamic fighters.
• The Emir of Qatar is demanding that his slaves in Washington get cracking and “liberate” Syria so Syria is fit for membership in the Sunni Caliphate.
That just leaves one wild card in the equation – Israel
• The Sunnis are far more patient than the Shia. They want Israel gone, but they also recognize it as a valuable pawn in their own political games. Rather than being a disruptive influence in the region, like Iran, Israel is a unifying force that gives Muslims a common enemy. Israel is the Sunni raison d'etre.
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) along with Quds Forces run Iran’s terror networks worldwide. Now the IRGC has created two special units to undermine the regimes in the Persian Gulf and push America out of the region. The new terror outfits are Unit 110 and the Unit Madinah – named after the second holiest city in Islam. Unit 110 is an intelligence gathering organization while Unit Madinah is in charge of military operations. The new units are under the command of Gholam Parvar. Parvar is one of the regime’s most radical military commanders and is the overall commander of the IRGC. The new groups have two orders:
1. Incite uprisings & protests within the Shiite minorities in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and other countries.
2. prepare military & terrorist operations against the enemy’s facilities.
The IRGC finances operations, forms alliances with local Shia, guides assets, & recruits Muslims for reconnaissance of potential targets in enemy countries. An IRGC defector revealed that all Imam Ali mosques worldwide are under the operation & control of the IRGC and are used as terror command centers. Noteworthy are the ones in Stockholm and Hamburg. Other Imam Ali mosques are in New Jersey, New York and Ohio. Brig. Gen. Mohammad Naghdi, the commander of the Basij told IRGC members: “Today we are in a full-scale war with our enemies … and you all have managed to infiltrate into the heart of the enemy’s nest, where even in the streets of New York and London, mourning and prayers for Ashura (the anniversary of the martyrdom of the Shiites’ third imam, Hossein) are observed. This is what it means to penetrate into the enemy camp.”
Hassan Azghodi, a close adviser to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, boasted in a speech on Iranian TV: “Our forces are present all across the globe. … We must get ready for a global operation and an international jihad.”
According to sources in Egypt, the IRGC, in collaboration with the Muslim Brotherhood is working on overthrowing the military junta and creating another front against Israel and America. Recently Iranian cleric Ahmad Mobaleghi stated that if Iran and Egypt become one, the future of the Islamic world will be guaranteed. The IRGC is active in sub-Saharan African countries, where they train and arm Islamic militias and fund Imam Ali mosques and Islamic centers. The IRGC’s grand plan called, “Time for The Collapse,” and includes trafficking in weapons, counterfeiting money and trafficking drugs. This activity is going on in Mexico and Venezuela as I speak. These activities help to destabilize the West. In a recent speech, Khamenei stated: “In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God, the Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated. Allah’s promise will be delivered, and Islam will be victorious.”
Our one true God says in 1 Thess 1:10 “And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” God only promises to rescue the Church from His wrath – The Great Trib which is Daniel’s 70th Week.

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