Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Commander in Thief

What are the Great Divider & Commander in Thief (CiT) goals?

GOAL: Conquer, Change & Transform in order to accumulate absolute power & steal America’s accumulated wealth & transfer it overseas
TACTICS: Divide the populace, polity and distract people with propaganda
He overrides, ignores, abuses and ignores the legislative branch. Don’t read the bills just pass my legislation.
He has not passed a federal budget – who needs a budget when you are the Messiah
He Insults the Supreme Court
He shoved the stimulus down our throats
He shoved financial reform down our throats
He shoved Healthcare down our throats
He mocked the Tea Party and praised the radical Occupy Wall Street movement
He Divides Christians against non-Christians, Wages war on Christianity and the Christian faith, mocks the Bible and supports the War on Women against the Roman Catholic Church. He attempts to make Christians violate their theistic beliefs e.g. contraception & abortions. He has capped charitable giving adversely effecting churches. He quotes the Bible out of context and claims the Bible endorses slavery. He appoints Muslims to high positions within our government.
He desires to divide Israel & Jerusalem and when he does that God will further divide the American people.
Obama, the Chicago bully, pressures and intimidates people and groups: for example, The Gibson Guitar Company, Ted Nugent, inspires revenge and hatred against George Zimmerman, the Roman Catholic Church. When will the “CiT” denounce the bully Dan Savage (his project - It Gets Better Project - gets money from the White House) who heads the “It Gets Better Project. “ Savage bullied and denounced Christian students. The bullying was so bad many Christian students walked out.
Obama’s mask is coming off he is the commander of divide and distract.
He claimed he orchestrated the raid on Osama bin Laden (UBL). Mr. President, I worked in the counter-terrorism effort to attempt to capture Osama bin Laden. Our effort began immediately after after 911. The effort included the U.S. military, DIA, CIA, FBI and many other agencies. It was not Obama’s actionable intelligence. The actionable intelligence came from many sources but not from the Messiah. In fact, since 911; you and your Democratic leftists have impeded the collection of actionable intelligence e.g. water boarding terrorists and providing civilian trials for terrorists. It was Democrats who leaked the fact to the news media that we were following UBL’s couriers. Your parties’ leaks caused us to have to start our efforts over when UBL realized his couriers had been compromised. Obama’s 2012 campaign ad against Mitt Romney about UBL is outrageous and mirrors LBJ’s 1964 campaign commercial that had a little girl picking apart a daisy one leaf at a time while the count down from 10 to 1 occurred in the background. Then after she said 1 a nuclear bomb exploded. That commercial painted Goldwater as a nuclear lunatic who would get us into a major nuclear war in Asia. Nothing could have been further from the truth. During the 1964 election campaign LBJ promised not to send American boys to fight a war in Asia. LBJ blatantly lied to the American people just like Obama is doing now. As a result 58,000 GIs ended up dead and that death toll began big time on LBJ’s watch. He will do anything to be re-elected and he does not have the best interests of America in mind.
He favors nationalization of companies over free enterprise e.g. General Motors Corp.
He promotes partisanship rather than bi-partisanship.
He fails to curb federal corruption
Patriots, prophetic events are moving very quickly
God Bless The USA

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