Friday, April 27, 2012

Jim Vaus

                                                                           Jim Vaus
                                        Steve Vaus is a saved man because of his father & Billy Graham
Steve Vaus was recently a guest on my radio program. The link below is from a 1958 Billy Graham Crusade. Jim Vaus, Steve's father, briefly spoke at that Crusade. Personally, I think Jim Vaus was probably an electronic genius and his son Steve is extremely gifted musically. Steve has played at the White House and at the Grand Ole Opry. Jim served in the military and was convicted by military court-martial of misappropriating govt. property and sentenced to 10 years hard labor. President Truman pardoned him of his crime in part because Jim had developed radar guided anti-aircraft guns. These guns were able to shoot down German V-2 and other fast aircraft. He was a wire-tapper for organized crime specifically Mickey Cohen in L.A. Jim's wiretapping methods enabled the Mafia to make huge sums of money on sporting events because Jim had the results before anyone else in the country. This gave a definite, huge monetary edge to the Mafia in the bookmaking and betting rackets. I think you will enjoy the video below. Steve is coming to Cincinnati in June and we are looking for a venue for Steve's concert if anyone knows of venue please let me know.
Where are you going when you die - every soul is eternal!
I would like to meet Jim Vaus, so know where I am going - heaven. Thank you Yeshua HaMaschiach
God Bless

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