Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shia vs. Sunni Nuke

Today I will discuss a word of knowledge God gave me about Persia, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. While the USA was sleeping war began in the Middle East, the Arabia peninsula & Persia. This war proves how clever Satan is. He can do things to us and we don’t even realize it until it is too late. This war began in Tunisia, then engulfed Algeria & Egypt. Then this war swallowed up Ghadaffi in Libya and now it has thrown Syria into civil war pitting Alawite Shia against Sunnis and foreign Sunni mercenaries. This week Assad massed his army in Damascus because he fears a military coup against his regime. The Syrian army is starving on the border of Israel.

• Everyone thinks the U.S. and the West supported and funded the Sunni rebels like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt but in actuality it was Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Gulfies who supported and funded the Sunni rebels. The real purpose of the Arab Spring was to create a Sunni Islamist superstate to counter the threat of the Iranian Shiite Islamist superstate.
• Add nuclear weapons to the Iran-Iraq-Syria trinity and you are looking at a Sunni’s worst nightmare.
We forgot to ask ourselves a very important question. Who would hate an Iranian Shia bomb more than Israel. The answer is quite simple, the biggest and most important Sunni monarchy in the world – Saudi Arabia.
• The rise of a fanatically violent Shiite Iran has done more to destabilize the region than anything else.
• As much as Sunni Arabs prattle on about Zionist conspiracies, a few million Jews sandwiched in a narrow strip of land against the Mediterranean are no threat to them.
What keeps the Saudis, Jordanians up at night are the following:
a. a rival version of Islam – Shiism which the Sunnis suppressed since the death of the prophet and that is dedicated to proselytizing the world to Shiism
b. the disappearance of old, Sunni monarchies in the Muslim world
c. a spearhead by a non-Arab ethnic group – the Persians
d. the powerful Persian military machine
e. a rival Persian oil economy
f. A regional power – Persia as old as human history itself; It was the Persians who took on Alexander the Great and lost their great empire. Persia was creating an empire and a powerful culture while the Arabian peninsula was populated by nomadic Jewish and pagan, illiterate tribes
• The fall of Saddam put Iraq up for grabs by the Iranians and raised the prospect of a Shiite superstate
• The battle for hearts and minds threw Syria directly into Tehran’s paws.
• A Shiite super state checkmates the Sunni oil monarchies and leaves them no choice but to beg America to garrison them with troops, air bases and nuclear missiles
• Using foreign soldiers to protect themselves isn’t all that objectionable to the fat, lazy oil monarchists who already use armies of foreigners to do everything for them.
• Some of the Gulfies have competent armies, but no Muslim state trusts its own military, besides the Gulfies are just too small to counter Persia. The Persians have a long proud military tradition. The Egyptians and the Syrians picked up some good military traditions from their European colonizers but the Gulfies are no match for Iran.
• The Iranian military would clean the Gulfies clocks faster than you could say, Muhammad and they know it.
• What the Gulfies lack in military skills, they more than make up for in underhanded cunning. After all the Muslims invented assassins. If they can’t import an infidel army and they can’t build their own army, then they will follow the honorable tradition of finding a counterbalance to the enemy. The Sunnis have been nurturing the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, other Sunni radicals and funding Al-Jazeera. Combine that with an American administration eager to win over the Muslim world by reforming American foreign policy,and one finds a debt ridden USA beholden to Saudi oil and the Gulfies.
• if Syria can be tipped into the Sunni camp, then Iran will lose its major puppet however, I do not think Iran is willing to lose Syria.
• The Sunni superstate will have a military tipped with top of the line American and Russian equipment, funded by Gulfie oil money and backed by the lunatic fanaticism of Islamist fighters.
• The Emir of Qatar is demanding that his slaves in Washington get cracking and “liberate” Syria so Syria is fit for membership in the Sunni Caliphate.
That just leaves one wild card in the equation – Israel
• The Sunnis are far more patient than the Shia. They want Israel gone, but they also recognize it as a valuable pawn in their own  political games. Rather than being a disruptive influence on the region, like Iran, it’s a unifying force that gives Muslims a common enemy and a common aspiration. The Sunnis raisond'etre. 
• I do not think it is just roving teams of Mossad agents who are blowing up Iranian nuclear sites, inflicting computer viruses and assassinating nuclear scientists. It is a combination of the Mek, Western operatives and Sunni funded special operating forces.
• If the Iranians believed that gangs of Israeli agents were freely roaming its streets and wiping out key personnel then heads would be rolling within Iran’s own security forces on a daily basis. That hasn’t happened yet.
• The Sunnis have a long list of people they can hire to do their Iranian dirty work. The list of suspects is long and includes: 1. domestic political opponents 2. internal political divisions 3. IRGC commanders looking for a large profit 4. ethnic minorities 6. Traitors 7. Gulfies, etc. etc.
The Saudis, Jordanians and Gulfies are playing for time with the Arab Spring. Their nuclear clock is a ticking Shia nuclear doomsday. The Sunnis want the United States to hold back any Israeli attacks until they approve.
They want to sabotage and undermine Iran long enough for a Sunni Islamist coalition to be strong enough to hold back any Iranian threats.
If Iran is to have nukes, the Gulfies & Saudis want them too and they want them in the hands of people that even Tehran’s Ayatollahs will be afraid of - the Wahhabis. The Wahhabi's view Shiites as infidels and heretics fit to be beheaded. For you see the Sunnis would have no problem pushing the nuclear button on Persia and then blaming Israel.
A nuclear stalemate between two fanatical branches of the same religion is bad but Arabs also like to compete for status in wars against fully authentic infidels like Israel and U.S. Friends & patriots we are being played for fools and we do not even realize it.
Remember what the Lord told us in Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
God says in 1 Thess 1:10 “And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” God only promises to rescue the Church from the time of God’s wrath – The Great Trib which I believe includes all of Daniel’s 70th Week. Through out the Church Age Christians have suffered persecution, the consequences of wars, famines, economic distress and the fall of nations. In John 16:33 Jesus said things like this would happen in this world and I quote these things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. We’re not to worry about current events and the economy. I believe the rapture will contribute greatly to the demise of the United States as a world power and so it must be. No world empire lasts forever. It may or may not happen before Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 but the demise of the USA will almost certainly precede Ezekiel 38.
Yeshua HaMashiach Sekinu


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