Monday, April 9, 2012

Tetelesti, It Is Finished

It’s nice to remember, amidst the trials and tribulations of this world, that the Lord reigns and that righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne. We could use a whole lot more of both right about now what with the news of divisions between whites, blacks and Hispanics, murders, fires, earthquakes, violence, storms and outlandish threats to world peace. Those of us in the Church should be especially comforted that God’s hand restrains evil, and I include all the natural and man-made threats to our health and safety. However, some day, I think it will be shortly, the Holy Spirit will be removed from this miserable earth and all Hell will break lose. God says in Luke 21:28 that we should lift up our heads because our redemption draws nigh. One day soon, when all who will respond to His call have done so, God will say, “Enough is Enough!” and in an instant the righteous will be spirited away to the place Yeshua has prepared for us. We will praise His Holy Name, thank Him for guarding our lives and for delivering us from the hand of the Wicked One. And how do we know we belong to “The Righteous”? God says in 2 Cor 5:17 to 21 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! God was in Yeshua who had no sin and Yeshua took on sin and God’s wrath for us in perfect love, so that in Yeshua we might become the righteousness of God. How can this be? God, Who knows the end from the beginning, has looked forward in time to the day when you stand before Him and are finally made perfect, totally conformed to the image and likeness of His Son. As part of the blessing you received by asking Jesus into your heart, He chose from that day on to see you only as you’ll be then, not as you are now. What if you sin between now and then? In 1 John:9 God says If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. When we genuinely confess to our High Priest, Yeshua immediately we are forgiven, the sin forgotten and we’re pure once again, as righteous as Yeshua is. Keep in mind, there is one thing God cannot do - tell a lie. God’s law of double jeopardy protects us from satan’s accusations. You say how can that be? Is this man lying to me? Well, here’s how it works. When Jesus lived it was Roman times and the world language was Greek. When someone was convicted of a crime, the law he had broken and its penalty were written on a parchment and nailed to his prison cell door. When the prisoner’s sentence was served, the jailer wrote the Greek word Tetelesti across the parchment, signifying that he had paid his debt to society in full, and gave it to the freed prisoner. If the man was ever accused of that crime again, he could produce the parchment showing the penalty had been paid. Hence double jeopardy was forbidden. Likewise the Lord forgave all our sins and canceled the Jewish written code, the law with all its regulations. How did God do this? God took it all away by nailing it to the cross. Yeshua HaMashiach did it for you. In Col 2:14-15 God says Yeshua disarmed the powers and authorities; He made a public spectacle of them, (while they thought they were making a public spectacle of Him.) Yeshua triumphed over the wicked world by getting on the cross. Friends, the penalty for your sins and mine are death. When Yeshua went to the cross, satan saw a parchment with all the sins of your life and mine written upon it nailed it to the cross with Yeshua. Yeshua’s last word before dying was “Tetelesti.” In John 19:30 It’s translated “It is finished.” Legally it means, “Paid in full.” Yeshua, with his blood sacrifice, paid in full the penalty for all our sins. Therefore, in Romans 8:1 God says there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. You needn’t fear confessing any sin, because the parchment listing all the sins of your life has been marked Tetelesti, paid in full. You and I are righteous now before God.
Double jeopardy is forbidden – SHOUT IN THE WICKED WORLD’S LANGUAGES!
Khristos anesti,Al Messieh Qam!Christ ist Aufstanden! Yeshua HaMashiach Qam!Christ has risen!

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