Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jimmy Carter's New Bible

Even Jimmy's dog is bored with him!

Patriots & Friends,

We can always count upon Jimmy "Mr. Peanut Head" Carter to provide us with some idiotic entertainment. Not only has Jimmy accepted millions of dollars from Islamic anti-semites in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States but now he has a new study Bible on the market. Below is a direct quote from Mr. Peanut Head's new study Bible.

"When we go to the Bible we should keep in mind that the basic principles of the Bible are taught by God, but written down by human beings deprived of modern day knowledge. So there is some fallibility in the writings of the Bible."

You see Jimmy is part of the "Lets Help God Society (LHGS)" Jimmy needs to explain to us what God really said because we are too stupid to understand God's book. Secondly, Jimmy implies that God had no way of seeing the future and impressing his prophecies on people. Jimmy says we modern people are far smarter than the prophets and the chosen people of old who God used as tools to convey his autobiography.

What Jimmy is really saying is don't listen to all of God's words because God is not infallible. Jimmy and the LHGS constantly call for a modern God and modern translation. The Chicago Theological Seminary said the same thing in 1912 and the Christian revisionists and progressives continue to modify God's word today.

Well, Mr. Peanut Head, you could not manage our nation and now you telling us how to manage God's word. Why don't you just go away!

So Mr. Peanut Head I will pass on your new study Bible, your anti-semitism, your personal corruption and your social gospel. However, I do pray that someday you will embrace the true word of God and see the error of your way and stand with God's chosen people. Below are links to other articles I wrote on Jimmy Carter and his radical pals.
I just realized something interesting, Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson are key members of the Elders. The Board of the Elders has ten people. In the Book of Revelation ten kings answer to the anti-christ.


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