Friday, March 23, 2012

War Between Israel & Iran

Bunker Busting Bomb

What will happen to the U.S. if Israel attacks Iran?

Let’s begin by acknowledgingthat no one knows for sure. But there are credible experts who have ventured an educated guess, and the scenario is not a pleasant one. ABC investigative journalist Brian Ross asked former White Housecounterterrorism official Richard Clarke what might happen. He listed five things.

First, gas prices could double. Right now, twenty percent of the oil tradedworldwide passes through the Persian Gulf. This would certainly be true if Iran began to attack oil tankers. A spike in gas prices is likely.

Second, there could be a terror strike against America. An Israeli attack could be used to justify a new wave of terrorism directed by Tehran, especially if the U.S. gets pulled into the conflict. The attack could be on U.S. embassies or even American citizens.

Third, we might see the world’s first international cyberwar. Before Israel wouldattack Iran, they would certainly try to blind the air defenses of Iran and its neighbors.The U.S. has the capability to disrupt power grids, and it is likely that Iran would attempt to hit back against our infrastructure of power grids, trains, airplanes, and refineries.

Fourth, there would be U.S. Navy casualties in the gulf. Iranians have hundreds of small boats, armed boats, and commando boats. They could swarm a U.S. destroyer and even disable it with cruise missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles.

Fifth, the U.S. could enter the war. If Israel bombs Iran, retaliation is likely. Imagine the phone call from Prime Minister Netanyahu asking the U.S. president to deploy the American military to destroy mobile missile launchers that are raining rockets down on Israeli citizens! It would be hard for the president to say no.

Let me add something else:

Six, thousands of rockets would rain down on Israel from Lebanon and from Hamas in Gaza.

Seven, Syria would likely enter the war and Damascus would become ruins.

Eight, the people in Egypt would demand to enter the war and the Israelis would cripple Egypt.

How we lookin?

Not good


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