Saturday, March 17, 2012

Soros' New Gun Control Tactic


The National Assn. of Gun Rights has uncovered an incredible anti-gun crusade that goes right down to your city hall.Simply put, George Soros is working to ban guns in your town.

Soros is working with the National League of Cities to push big city gun control in small towns all over the country. And right now, Soros and his allies are winning...Not even well-known anti-gun crusaders like Sarah Brady have been able to accomplish what the Soros-backed League of Cities is doing right now.While the gun rights battle has been raging in Washington, D.C. George Soros has been quietly investing billions in taking power on the state and local levels.The Soros-backed National League of Cities and their affiliated state Municipal Leagues have become a major conduit of Soros’ aggressive anti-gun agenda.

The National League of Cities’ stated goals include:

*** Registration for all handguns

*** Banning semi-automatic firearms

*** Cracking down on gun shows

*** A thirty-day waiting period on all gun purchases

*** Ending the manufacture of 10-round magazines

*** Gun bans in parks and libraries and other public places.

Just within the last month, a parade of taxpayer funded Municipal stooges showed up to support city-level gun bans in New Hampshire.In South Dakota, the state Municipal League is using tax dollars to push for sweeping self-defense bans in city parks, libraries, transit buses and numerous other public places.The League has also been pushing a similar agenda in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Connecticut, Delaware, North Carolina and Virginia.The gun rights battles in Washington, D.C. are fierce enough.Now we’re also facing increasing attacks in State Capitols and City Council Chambers nationwide.

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