Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anti-Israel Policies & Supernatural Disasters

Picture of an Israeli Fig Tree - Reborn in 1948 & Jerusalem at night

First and most importantly do not fear God’s supernatural events. God is in control and our redemption is drawing near.
Get your business with the Lord finished because we are running out of time. If you are not ready for the Lord, then you are not right with the Lord. The disasters go from the newest to the oldest. I am sure the supernatural disasters go farther back than I documented.
Remember what the Lord says about his land and his chosen people in the verses below.

Joel 4:2 I will execute upon them for what they did to my people…….by partitioning My land. Conversely Genesis 28:14 declares All the nations of the world will be blessed through your descendants.
Joel 3:2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Zec 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Zec 14:3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
Zec 12:1 The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
Zec 12:2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
Zec 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Oba 1:15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
Oba 1:16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been.
Oba 1:17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
Gen 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee:
Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Gen 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
God has an everlasting covenant with the nation of Israel and Israel will never cease to exist again. Her Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach is on His way.
None of the events below are related to global warming rather they are linked to global warnings. These supernatural disasters are a result of the U.S. and other nations pressuring Israel to give up its land.

9 of the 10 costliest insurance events in U.S. history followed dramatic calls by U.S. officials for Israel to make “land for peace” deals with its Arab neighbors.

6 of 7 costliest hurricanes U.S. history followed statements made against Israel or statements that called for Israel to give up her land.

4 of5 largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history followed anti-Israel or demands for Israel to give up land. The cost of recent disasters equals $400B

2011 was the costliest year on record for tornado destruction in the U.S.

Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, even terrorist attacks have hit America and other nations often within 24 hours of calls by U.S. and foreign officials telling Israel to withdraw from Jewish land.
On 9 March 2012 in Hawaii weather forecasters were blind-sided by powerful storms that slammed the windward side of Oahu. All the Hawaiian islands were under a flood warning. Two tornadoes and hailstones pounded Hawaii, the tropical paradise. These storms coincided with the arrival of Leon Panetta in Oahu. Panetta put on a smile a day after testifying to the U.S. Senate about U.S. plans to help the people of Syria and not follow our God given U.S. constitution when it came to war powers. Panetta said U.S. govt. officials would follow NATO and the UN rather than the U.S. constitution. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on March 7 repeatedly told the Senate Armed Services Committee that America would seek permission for military action from international bodies and then "inform" Congress of the Administration's decision. Panetta said, "Again, our goal would be to seek international permission and we would come to the Congress and inform you...Whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress, I think those are issues I think we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here." His words, and previous actions in Libya and elsewhere, prompted impeachment actions against Obama.
5 Mar 2012 while Netanyahu and Obama meet in Washington a 4.0 magnitude strikes the San Francisco Bay Area.
2 Mar 2012 - 99 tornadoes hit Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee & other states. These were the earliest clusters (March) of tornados on record. The 99 tornadoes in a single day equaled the average number of tornadoes for the entire month of March. These tornadoes occurred as Netanyahu headed to the U.S. for talks with Obama. Obama told Netanyahu Israel is on her own in regards to Iran. Obama told Netanyahu not to strike Iran before the Nov. election. Obama does not want anything to disrupt his re-election bid and cause his defeat. Obama gave Israel bunker busting bombs and C-130s in return for Netanyahu agreeing to postpone an attack on Iran until after November. Netanyahu toldd Obama we know we are on our own and we will defend ourselves. Below are links to the stories about the tornadoe that hit West Liberty, KY. and the woman Charlotte who prayed that the tornado not hit her house. These are the true links to Charlotte's story other links are distorted by Satan with misleading titles on the videos.

Notice that the title of the video below that includes the word "tried" to pray the tornado away. My friends, Charlotte "did" pray that horrible tornado away from her house. In this instance we can see how subtle satan is by changing a word or two here and there. Charlotte should have lost her entire house and perhaps her life but she escaped that terrible tornado with a missing porch and roof shingles!

Summer 2011 Bleak harvests in Pennsylvania: potatoes, corn, etc. There are poor crops in 3 of top 10 states. Fires sweep through Texas. Houston has a gay mayor and the state’s largest abortion clinic. Rick Perry, the governor of Texas attended Bilderberg meeting. Texas farmers sell cattle, sheep and calves because of the fires and severe draught in Texas.
June 11 Wallow & Monument Fire in Arizona - 600’ sq miles or 430K acres burned 2nd largest fire in AZ history

May 11 Obama endorses Palestinian state and says Israel should return to its pre-1967 borders. 30 days of Hell begin in Missouri. The Joplin tornado kills 141. It is the deadliest tornado in 60 years; The Corps of Engineers scuttled levees to save Cairo, IL. Large scale flooding occurs. Farmers lose $150M to $400M in crops. There is a $30M loss to electrical infrastructure. A two state solution produced a one state problem in Missouri. May 11 worst northern European drought since 1975; 50% less rain falls. Germany had 50% more sunshine in the Spring of 2011. Farmers were forced to sell their animals causing the European Union to spend $948M. Droughts also occur in China & in the southern U.S.


Prior to WWII Japan’s culture had been uninterrupted for 3,000 years Paganism & Satanism is deeply rooted in Japan Demons control Shintoism - a spiritualized nationalism. The emperor uses demons to achieve god-like status. The Japanese people thought Emperor Hirohito was na god. He first spoke to the Japanese people in Aug 1945. The Japanese had never heard their emperor speak before on the radio.

General MacArthur made Hirohito publicly deny his godly status. Satan received a setback in Japan from 1945 -1952 when Christianity grew during 7 wonderful years MacArthur forced the Japanese government to separate itself from Shintoism MacArthur asked for 1000 Christian missionaries to come to Japan and 3000 answered his call.

Satan regained his foothold when Emperor Hirohito died. His son, Akihito, became emperor and re-instituted the banned Daijo-sai ceremony, the spiritual component of Shintoism.

The Great Thanksgiving Festival is the most important inauguration ritual for a new emperor. He is united to his Imperial Ancestress in order to share in her divinity.First, two special rice paddies chosen & purified in Shinto rites. Two thatched roof two-room huts are built within a corresponding special enclosure, using native Japanese building style. One room has large couch at its center. After a ritual bath the emperor is dressed entirely in the white silk dress of a Shinto priest with a special long train. He is surrounded by courtiers. The emperor solemnly enters first the enclosure and then each of the two huts. The first from 6:30 to 9:30 PM and the second from 12:30 to 3:30 AM.The only furniture in the second hut is a couch. The ritual Shinto ceremony climaxes in a sexual encounter between the new emperor and the sun goddess, Amaterasu Omikami, the chief spiritual ruler over the Japanese nation. It doesn’t matter if intercourse is physical (succubus) or spiritual the two ritually become one flesh. Through its supreme leader, the emperor the Japanese nation officially invites demonic control as long as he is emperor.

In 1989 Emperor Akihito made an evil decision to be deified through the Daijo-sai ceremony. The Japanese Government paid the expenses of the multimillion dollar ritual.Since 1989 pilgrimages and rituals connected with traditional Japanese paganism, have increased.In 1990 Japan’s fantastic economic bubble burst and Japan’s economy has never fully recovered.

I believe Daijo-Sai and Japan’s anti-Israel policy have cause Japan’s problems.

On March 11, 2011 a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan. The main island of Japan moved 8’ and the earth’s axis was shifted. Japan experienced the 4th most powerful earthquake in world history, a magnitude 9.1. The tsunami was the worst in Japanese memory.
Exactly one year before the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2010, the Japanese government issued this statement: “The Government of Japan deplores the decisions of the Government of Israel to give permission for the construction of 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem 112 in West Bank... The Government of Japan does not recognize any act that prejudges the final status of Jerusalem and the territories in the pre-1967 borders. Japan demands that the plans should not be implemented.”

Zechariah (12:9) let it be known that God “will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

On Oct 11, 2010 Japan re-stated the March 2011 anti-Israel declaration and laid cornerstone in Jericho – for an industrial park’s infrastructure a multi-million dollar endeavor. God declared a curse on anyone who lays a cornerstone in Jericho. Joshua cursed the city when God ordered its complete destruction.

In Joshua 6:26 God says “Cursed be the man before the Lord who rises up and builds this city Jericho; he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn, and with his youngest he shall set up its gates.”

On January 11, 2011, Japan condemned Israel’s building homes in Jerusalem, and declared it did not recognize Israel’s right to East Jerusalem. Instead Japan “strongly encourages” Israel and Palestinians to create two states out of the Holy Land. Japan and any other country that follows Japan’s lead enters into the area of God’s curses specifically designated for the last days – when touching the apple of God’s eye. The resulting earthquake/tsunami destroyed 55,000 homes.

In Joel 3:2 God says I will gather all nations... I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel... they have also divided up My land.”

Below are God’s supernatural event timelines
11 Mar 11 Japan earthquake/tsunami
11 Jan 11 Japan condemned Israel
11 Oct 10 Cornerstone in Jericho
11 Mar 10 Japan demands Israel stop building housing East Jerusalem
11 Mar 04 train bombing Spain 190 dead 2000 wounded
11 Sept 01 U.S.


In March April & May 2011Obama pressured Israel to return to indefensible pre 1967 borders and give land to hostile Arabs and terrorists in the name of peace. Obama publicly sided with “Spring Revolutions” throughout the Middle East. Egypt ushered in control by the previously banned Muslim Brotherhood another terrorist group now supported by Obama. Tornados and floods hit U.S. in record numbers. Floodwaters were so deep that the Mississippi River flowed backwards. Obama denied federal disaster assistance to Texas a state he did not carry Texas in 2008. Obama diverted flood waters away Cairo, Illinois, population 2,831, by opening levees. Obama flooded thousands of acres of farmland in states he did not carry in 2008. Cairo, IL voted heavily for him in 2008. Areas where people voted for him receive better treatment than those who voted against him.

Jesus told us in Matthew 7:14 about the ravening wolves in sheep's clothing. He said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits”

May 09 Biden Insults Israel at AIPAC, “You’re not going to like my saying this, but do not build more settlements, dismantle existing outposts and allow Palestinians the freedom of movement.” One day after Biden spoke an out-of-control wildfire hit Santa Barbara ; 38% California was under drought conditions from 2006 to 2009. Since June 08 fires in California have cost the state over $300 million. California is over $250 million in debt from fires.
16 April 2009 U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell warned Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman that America would not budge from its commitment to carve out a new Palestinian state from within Israel's current borders White House Chief of Staff Emanuel told American Jewish leader that a PA state would be forced down Israel's throat by the end of Obama's term, regardless of which government rules. Emanuel "In the next four years, there will be a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, based on 'two states for two peoples,' and we couldn't care less who the prime minister is."

18 April 09 U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell said that the Obama administration would exert "great energy" in the pursuit of a two-state solution for the conflict over the Land of Israel. "It has been the policy of the United States for many years that the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies in a two-state solution," Mitchell met in Cairo with Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak. This is "the policy of President Obama and one that we will pursue with great energy, an end to the conflict was also in the national interest of the United States."

24 March 2009 Obama held a press conference he made it quite clear to the American people that the U.S would press forward with the creation of a Palestinian state, the so-called two-state solution and map the “final status” for Jerusalem. East Jerusalem and other areas would be given to Arabs. From 24th March to April 2009 northern plains and upper peninsula of Michigan were buffeted with horrendous weather, particularly flooding. Northern Michigan experienced a weather event of "Biblical Proportions.” A historic blizzard occurs, a category 5 blizzard with 44" inches of snow fall with 90 MPH winds. Trees were cut in half, utility poles knocked down, motorists stranded in lethal snow banks, all roads were closed, communities isolated, electrical power cut to tens of thousands of people. NONE of the major media - CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, or NBC visited Michigan. North and South Dakota were hit with concurrent floods & blizzards. Minnesota was flooded delaying the spring planting. Storms spread misery from the Great Plains to the Gulf coast.

2008 - Tornado season began early January as President Bush prepared to go to Israel. 2,127 tornadoes strike the U.S. in 2008, the most ever recorded in a year. Six consecutive hurricanes: Dolly, Eduard, Hanna, Gustav, Faye and Ike hit the U.S. Gustav begins 24 Aug and hits land on 2 Sep. Ike begins on 2 Sep and hits land on 13 Sep. Ike is so strong it pounds Ohio with $500M in damage. Gus and Ike were two of the costliest and record breaking storms in U.S. history. The reason - Condoleezza Rice was in Jerusalem pressing Israel to sign a treaty that would divide Jerusalem and give the West Bank & Gaza to the Palestinians.

August 18, 2005 (Sharon and Katrina) Israeli settlers were forcibly removed from homes in Gaza by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon 10,000 Jews made homeless. Three months later Sharon suffered a stroke and still remains in a coma. On 29 August 2005 as the Gaza “disengagement” ended the U.S. hit by the worst natural disaster in American history. Katrina slammed LA. Alabama, & Mississippi. 80% of New Orleans was under water. It was the deadliest American hurricane in 77 years. It was the worst disaster to hit the U.S. up to that time. President Bush supported Sharon and praised him for his strong visionary leadership. By the way, homosexuals in New Orleans were planning a large rally when hurricane Katrina slammed into the US on August 25 causing 1,836 deaths and making 500,000 people homeless. By the way 500,000 divided by 300,000,000 (the U.S. population at the time) equals 00167%. 10,000 divided by 6,000,000 equals .00167 THE NUMBER OF ISRAELIS MADE HOMELESS IN GAZA! THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT direct connection to disasters in America & U.S. foreign policy towards Israel.

9-17 August 2004 Hurricane Charley occurs after the U.S. demands cessation of new housing construction, removal of security checkpoints, and dismantling of housing.

24 August to 6 September 2004 Hurricane Frances occurs when Ariel Sharon surrenders to U.S. demands and expels Jews from Gaza.

3-18 September 2004 Hurricane Ivan occurs after the U.S. pressures Israel to expel its citizens from “unauthorized settlements”.

13-27 September 2004 Hurricane Jeanne occurs after Bush speaks at the UN and states that Israel must impose a settlement freeze, dismantle unauthorized communities, and remove all security checkpoints.

1-10 May 2003 412 tornadoes occur after the U.S. demands the immediate implementation of the “Pot Hole To Peace” that includes surrendering the Golan Heights.

15 July 2003 Hurricane Claudette occurs after the U.S. pressures Israel to stop building the security fence.

6-19 September 2003 Hurricane Isabel occurs after the U.S. prevents the capture of Yasser Arafat and threatens to harm Israel financially if Israel builds new housing settlements in Judea/Samaria or continues to build the security fence.
24 Oct to 4 Nov 2003 California Wildfires and Solar Flares occur after Bush tells Israel publicly to stop building the security fence and housing in Judea and Samaria.

30 April 2002 Tornadoes occur after Bush negotiates Arafat’s release from Israeli capture.

8 June 2002 Colorado Hayman fire occurs when Bush and Hosni Mubarak call for a Palestinian State and for Israelis to leave parts of their land.

18-26 June 2002 the Rodeo & Chediski Arizona fires occur after Bush presents his plan for Mid-East peace that calls for Israel ceding more land.

2-31 Oct 2001 Hurricane Lili occurs when the President tells the Israelis and the world the U.S. will not move its embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.

5-13 June 2001Tropical Storm Allison occurs. From 31 March to April 2001 the Jordanian King solicits support from the U.S. for the “land for peace” initiative. From 21-24 May 2001 Bush and Colin Powell endorse the Mitchell Plan.

6 June 2001 CIA Director tries to stop Israel from defending itself.

Aug to Sep 2001 Bush and the Saudi Crown prince complete a new plan that would force Israel to expel Jews from Israeli land. The Palestinian Authority (PA) increases its suicide bombing attacks on Jewish citizens to 20 per day. The attacks continue for 11 months in the West Bank and Gaza. Bush tells the Israelis not to defend themselves and not root out terrorists. The U.S. State Department criticizes Israel for its preemptive strikes against terrorists. 81% of Palestinians supported suicide bombings against Israel. U.S. actions encourage the terrorists in their murder campaign. Then on 9/11 2001The U.S. puts forward a new plan to force the Jews out of parts of Israel and Secretary of State Powell prepares to present the U.S. plan to the United nations two weeks later. The U.S. demands that Israel not defend itself against Arab attacks. The 9/11 terrorist attacks occur in the U.S.

3-9 Jan 2000 a terrible drought and the worst forest fire season in history occurs when Clinton continues to pressure Israel with Syrian and Fatah demands.

July & August 2000 drought, wildfires & heat waves occurs when Clinton begins Camp David Summit and pressures Israel to make concessions.

3-4 May 1999 - 85 tornadoes occur. Arafat planned to declare a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Clinton encourages Arafat “for his aspirations to his land” to persevere until he gets his Palestinian state. Clinton writes that the Palestinian Arabs have a right to “determine their own future on their own land” (Israel). The Arabs deserve to “live free, today, tomorrow, and forever”. On the same day, the most powerful tornado system ever recorded strikes Oklahoma and Kansas, with winds of 316 mph, the fastest wind speed ever recorded on earth up to that point in time.

24 Aug – 7 Sep 1999 Hurricane Dennis occurs when Secretary of State Albright witnesses the signing of the Sharm El-Sheikh accords and applies pressure on Israel to give 13 percent of its land in accordance with the Wye Plantation agreement.

7-17 Sep 1999 Hurricane Floyd occurs as Clinton pressures Israel’s Foreign Minister and Arafat’s deputy to agree on a “final status” for Jerusalem and a “land for peace” deal.14-15 Oct 1999 Hurricane Irene & the Hector earthquakeIsraelis settlers evicted per a Clinton directive.

4-9 Jan 1998 Northeast Ice Storm occurs when Dennis Ross, the Special Middle East Coordinator pressures Israeli officials.

21 Jan 1998 Monica Lewinsky scandal occurs. P.M. Netanyahu visits the U.S. and is coldly received by Clinton. Clinton and Secretary of State Albright refuse to have lunch with the P.M. Hours later, the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke. The Lewinsky scandal dominated the rest of Clinton’s term in office. By the way, Lewinsky was a Jewish girl.

24-28 Sep 1998 Hurricane Georges occurs when the Secretary of State Albright completes a draft of the Wye Plantation agreement covering Gaza and the West bank. Clinton announces he will try to get Israel to give up 13% of her land via the Wye Plantation talks. On the same day, Hurricane Georges slammed into the Gulf Coast with gusts of winds of 175 miles per hour (mph) and 90 mph cyclonic winds. The winds rage for 10 hours and stalls on the Gulf Coast. The hurricane caused $6 billion in damages. Meanwhile Arafat was addressing the United Nations and announces his plans for Palestinian state by May 1999. When Arafat leaves the storms dissipate.

17-23 Oct 1998 Texas Floods & Tornadoes occur. The Wye Plantation talks are a continuation of previous failed attempts to force Israel to give up 13% of her land. (13 is the number of rebellion, the entire 13th chapter of revelation is devoted to the beast – Satan.) On 17 Oct severe rain storms and tornadoes hit southern Texas; San Antonio gets 20” of rain in one day. The deluge continues until 22 Oct, floods cover 25% of Texas. When the talks end the storms end.

1-2 Mar 1997 Mississippi and Ohio River valley flooding occurs plus tornadoes as Arafat began a tour of America. Arafat demanded that Clinton prevent Israel from building housing in Har Homa, a Jerusalem neighborhood. Clinton demanded that Israel surrender “land for peace.” On the day Arafat landed in the U.S., powerful tornadoes devastated huge sections of the country, tearing through Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Tennessee. A few days later rain storms in the Dakotas caused the worst flooding of the century. For weeks major storms raged throughout the Midwest. When Arafat completed the tour and left the U.S. the storms stopped.

1 Apr to 14 May 1997 Northern Plains Flooding occurs as Clinton tries to revive the stalled Mideast talks with Netanyahu.

27 Sep – Oct 5 1995 Hurricane Opal occurs when Israelis and Palestinians sign an Interim Agreement in Washington, D.C. The U.S. calls for a summit to accelerate the pace of stripping Israel of more territory.

16 Jan 1994 Northridge Earthquake occurred after Clinton met with Syrian President Hafez el Assad in Geneva in order to develop a strategy that would force Israel from the Golan Heights. Less than 24 hours later, a powerful 6.9 earthquake rocked southern California. At the time the Northridge earthquake was the second most destructive disaster to hit the U.S., second only to Hurricane Andrew. Clinton and Assad demanded that Israel turn the Golan Heights over to Syria.

17-21 Oct Texas flooding occurs as Clinton witnesses the signing of an Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty.

26 Feb 1993 World trade Center Bombing occurs as Clinton sends the Secretary of State to 8 Arab/Muslim countries to draw up an anti-Israeli strategy.

12-15 1993 Severe storms occur on the eve of Rabin’s visit to the U.S. The Secretary of State announces the U.S. will force Israel to achieve a comprehensive settlement based upon U.N. Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 that forces Israel to give away its land.

May-September 1993 “The Great Midwest Flood” occurs. Major flooding during these 5 months ranked as one of the greatest natural disasters to ever hit America. Negotiations occur to establish a Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority, culminating in a public signing on the White House lawn on 13 September.

23-24 Aug 1992 The Madrid Peace talks moved to Washington D.C. Israeli officials are urged to cede land. Hurricane Andrew slams into Florida and is the worst supernatural disaster to hit the U.S. at that time. $30B in damage and leaves 180k homeless.

20 Oct 1991Oakland, California Firestorm occurs after Bush announces the Madrid Peace Conference and demands a “land for peace” deal.

30 Oct to 1 Nov 1991 “The Perfect Storm” Bush opens the Madrid Peace Conference and cancels the loan guarantee program for Israel and announces a “territorial compromise is essential for peace.” On 30 Oct 1991 “The Perfect Storm” formed off the coast of Nova Scotia, record setting 100’ waves pounded the New England coast and caused heavy damage to Bush’s mansion in Kennebunkport, Maine.

In the 1930s the U.S. Nazis, who were very strong at the time through the German American Bund. They planned a mass meeting on a compound on Long Island, New York. In fact, a few of the names of the streets still remain such as Herman Goering Strasse and others. During the week the Nazis planned to hold a mass rally at the site. A rare "nor-easter" hurricane struck New York City. The eye of the hurricane centered on the Nazi Mass Meeting on Long Island!

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