Monday, February 20, 2012

Egyptian Govt. Holds 16 Americans Hostage


Bill Wilson wrote the following on his DailyJot: White House foreign policy to elevate the Muslim Brotherhood as the uniter of Islam is proving to be a disaster that will cost many lives, derail economies, undermine human rights, and perhaps even usher in an Islamic Caliphate hostile to every nation on earth, especially to Israel and the United States. It was America, under the direct orders of the man who occupies the Oval Office, that empowered the world's foremost terrorist umbrella organization to destabilize the Middle East and overthrow governments. Now, one of the most notable infants birthed by this reckless policy has grown into a mighty example of Islamic dominionism and its malevolent impact on the world.

The so-called Egyptian government is holding hostage and trying some 16 Americans associated with non-government organizations for using foreign funds to incite protests. Additionally, the assets of these NGOs have been seized, among them US government funded organizations ostensibly promoting democracy in Egypt. The White House's new foreign policy partner, the Muslim Brotherhood, is leading the charge. In response, US Congressmen are calling for some $1.3 billion in foreign and military aid be withheld until Egypt comes to its senses. The Jerusalem Post reports the Muslim Brotherhood says that if the US withholds its funding, it would consider changing the terms of the 1979 Peace Treaty with Israel.


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