Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Islam's Valentine's Day


The article describes the lack of unconditional love by males towards their women in Islam. This is a very sad situation for girls and women in this horrible false religion called Islam. Unfortunately, these honor murders are coming to a town near you.

It was Jesus Christ who set women free. It was women without legal status who followed him and first reported his resurrection. Except for Eve I know of no woman who betrayed Yeshua and several were with him to the end on Calvary. The men around Yeshua (Peter & Judas) certainly betrayed him or deserted him.

It was a Christian who ended the barbaric burning of women in India.

I believe it was a woman who got the Romans to stop their barbaric gladiatorial contests. Indeed, behind every Christian man there seems to be a good, Christian woman.

I have no doubt in my mind that Wilberforce's wife gave him moral support in his battle to end slavery in England.

Finally, I cannot even conceive of murdering my lovely daughter or my dear wife.

Happy Valentine's Day & Yeshua Akbar



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