Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Take The Pledge

My Fellow Citizens,

I believe our great nation and republic is in mortal danger from enemies and traitors from within. I urge you to take the following pledge to protect our nation and its Christian heritage.


"I will never sit on the sidelines and watch my country be taken from me again. Like our Founding Fathers, "I pledge my life, fortune, and my sacred honor to protect the rights given to us by God in the U.S. Constitution." Furthermore, I will not commit an unforgivable, unconstitutional act against my fellow citizens, an act that sacrifices the constitution and the future of our Republic at the expense of our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. I stand with thousands of like minded people across this nation, and each day we grow stronger, smarter, and more organized. This is just the beginning of the end to tyranny in our great republic." I'm proud to call myself an American, and I am inspired by daily sacrifices of my fellow citizens to defend this great nation. May God shed his grace upon us in this endeavor and may God be with our Republic in these tumultuous days.


Alan Wilhelm
The Grassroot Conservative

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