Thursday, October 15, 2009

Victory In Ohio - Yes To State Sovereignty

The Ohio Sentate passes SCR-13. The signatures of over 10,000 Ohioans pushed legislators to consider the State Sovereignty Resolution. By a vote of 19 in favor and 12 against (along party lines), the Ohio Senate has passed the Ohio Sovereignty Resolution (SCR-13) which claims "sovereignty over certain powers pursuant to the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, to notify Congress to limit and end certain mandates, and to insist that federal legislation contravening the Tenth Amendment be prohibited or repealed." State Senator Tim Grendell, a co-sponsor of the resolution, asserted "the representatives of the people of Ohio have not only the right, but the responsibility, to question the federal government when it exceeds its Constitutional authority. We [the General Assembly] are the ones who must act to preserve the delicate balance between federal and state jurisdictions laid forth in our Constitution." Numerous groups throughout Ohio played a key role in passing SCR-13 and waged a concerted effort to keep the issue front and center on the legislative agenda. The member groups of The Ohio Liberty Council helped with an Ohio Freedom Alliance, Cincinnati Tea Party, and Cincinnati and Central Ohio 9/12 Project led effort to collect over 10,000 signatures pushing Ohio legislators to consider the State Sovereignty Resolution. The August 1st rally on the front lawn of the State Capitol building in Columbus was also a factor in bringing attention to the importance of a sovereignty resolution. You can read further about this important resolution on The Ohio Liberty Council's website.

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