Monday, October 5, 2009

Prayers For Sam Bish

Dear Prayer Warriors,

My friend Grumpy went into SNOPES and checked this out this morning. It is a true story according to them. This little boy (Samuel Bish) was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer in his leg/knee area around August 2009 and the cancer has spread to his lungs. He is in chemotherapy currently (as of September 2009).

Background Story

Our son Sam is a wonderful young man who is 8 years old. He will be 9 in January. He is going into the 3rd grade in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Sam had been having some pain in his right knee most of this summer (2009). As the pain increased we realized that something might be wrong and we made an appointment for him to see an Orthopedist on 8/10/09. At this doctors appointment an X-ray was done of Sam's leg/knee and it showed that there was a mass that the doctor believed to be cancerous. Samuel went into the hospital just a few days later for a series of tests. He received a cat scan, MRI, and also a full body scan. Our family met with the pediatric oncologist the following day and Samuel was diagnosed with a type of cancer called Osteosarcoma (stage 4). The cancer is in his right knee and it has also spread to both of his lungs. This is an agressive type of cancer and it will be treated with agressive forms of chemo. We are asking everyone to please lift up our litle boy Samuel Gordon Bish in prayer. We pray for healing!! We serve a mighty God and we know that HE can heal Sam if that is his will for Sam's life. Please be prayer warriors along with our family as Sam starts this very difficult journey in his young life

Sam is facing his hell on earth and we know no kid should have to face something like this but we know Yeshua is the Great Physician and he healed my wife and my sister of their rare forms of cancer.

Take a moment, remember Sam and his family in your prayers, pray that Yeshua sends his healing angels and the Holy Spirit/Ruach Elohim to Sam.

Yours in Yeshua


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