Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pray From 14 October To November 4 - Election Day

In 2007 in California, thousands of Believers fasted for a 40-day period and prayed that God would restrain the spiritual powers that are behind the homosexual agenda and the drive to redefine marriage. Three days before the vote on Proposition 8, 30,000 people gathered together in solemn assembly to invoke Heaven's assistance in the great heavenly battle, as well as to pray for God's power to be released for the freedom and healing of thousands struggling with same-sex attraction who yearn to be transformed by Christ. Proposition 8 was upheld through the incredible mobilization of the state and we believe through divine assistance as well.
Partnering with Heaven
Recently again, I have been challenged by the Lord in a profound way to raise up a wall of intercession to hold back the encroaching ideology. Ezekiel 22:30 says, "I looked for a man who would build up a wall, and stand in the gap before Me." I have started to pray out of this Scripture that God would begin to rise up a stonewall of intercession. Forty years after the Stonewall Riots, that many point to as the beginning of the homosexual revolution in America, we are calling for a spiritual stonewall to be raised up all across the nation. I've been asking God "How do we build this stonewall?"
Recently, I was asked by national Christian leaders and pro-family leaders in Maine to call the whole state of Maine and all of New England to fast and pray for 21 days, which just started on October 14th and goes through November 4th, Election Day. Maine will be voting on whether or not to legalize same-sex marriage. No state has of yet voted for same-sex marriage when the people themselves have gone to the polls. States that have legalized it have done it through the tyranny of courts and lobbyist pressured legislatures. Maine is the next battlefield. Like California, there is a great mobilization effort on both sides. Prayer could be the winning blow. Daniel fasted 21 days and shifted the influence over the very kings of Persia partnering with the angelic realm (Daniel 10:12-14).
Build a Stonewall
Therefore, we are calling for prayer and fasting across the nation for 21 days in another flash point stand of spiritual resistance. During this fast which started October 14th (Daniel 10:12-14), let the Churches of America turn from their own personal compromise with sin and from an apathetic silence. Let us cry out to God for the state of Maine and lift the victory of the Cross over every false ideology. Then, let us cry out to God for a great awakening in Maine, New England and the Nation. There are no more tomorrows. For such a time as this we are to build a stonewall and stand in the gap.
Consumed by the call,

Lou EnglePresident, The Call, Inc.

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