Monday, October 19, 2009

Obama's Birth Certificate Back In Court 26 January 2010

The Department of Justice attorneys walked into court expecting United States Federal District Court Judge David Carter to dismiss the birth certificate case. Why you ask? Simply because they “think” Obama is President. Their arguments were hollow and unconvincing. and after hearing hours of argument, the Judge Carter “took the matter under submission.” He has still not issued a ruling, 10 days later

Is The President Above The Law and the Courts? DOJ attorneys tried to explain to the Judge that no Court in the United States had the jurisdiction to rule on whether Barack Hussein Obama was eligible to serve as President of the United States? In their view he could only be impeached and/or disqualified from the Office of President under the 25th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. NOT TRUE! USJF pointed out to the Court that both the impeachment statutes, and the 25th Amendment required a sitting President, but if Mr. Obama is not eligible to serve as President, he could not be, and never was, a sitting President, so those options for removal could not apply. Therefore the courts would have jurisdiction. HELP US MAKE BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA PROVE IF HE IS ELIGIBLE TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: CLICK HERE NOW! Monday, October 5, 2009, , at 8:30 a.m., in California, was a critical milestone for our entire legal and public relations effort to force Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate and to prove whether he is eligible to serve as President of the United States. And with your support USJF was able to be there to argue the case. The case has an excellent chance to survive the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) motion to dismiss what has proven to be the best chance for America to have a hearing on the merits of this critical Constitutional issue. What happened that day in Court? It’s very simple—the DOJ attorneys brought up every argument that they could to try to persuade the Court to dismiss this case USJF provided sound legal arguments against the DOJ legal theories; otherwise the whole case could have been over right then and there! The USJF oral arguments will be the difference between this case surviving or being dismissed. The Judge raised issues critical to our case:

1. Did Senators question the eligibility of Mr. Obama? (Only Senators Coburn and Shelby and a number of House members.)

2. Were objections made by Members of Congress when the vote of the Electoral College was certified? (NO, then Vice-President Cheney had not performed his required duty of asking for objections, so there could have been none raised.) DOJ attorneys argued that only Congress, and/or the Electoral College, could decide on the eligibility of Mr. Obama. Fortunately, the USJF legal team filed pleadings pointing out that the DOJ legal arguments in this regard WERE WRONG! People at the hearing and those who have found out what happened there since have been contacting USJF, thanking us for standing up for the truth! But the fight is not over yet! We expect a ruling from the Court any day now. If we defeat the dismissal motion, then we’re immediately filing pleadings (“discovery”) seeking Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, his college records, and so much more. AND, we’ll be seeking to depose Mr. Obama ASAP! And if the Court grants the motion to dismiss, we’ll be immediately filing an appeal of the decision! But we can only do this if we have your financial support! Judge Carter has set a trial date of January 26, 2010 in this case. To keep that date, we need to defeat the DOJ dismissal motion, and then, IMMEDIATELY, move right into the discovery phase discussed above.

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