Thursday, October 22, 2009

5 Newspapers Endorse Bob McDonnell

In the last four days, five newspapers across Virginia have endorsed Bob McDonnell's positive campaign, praising his specific plans and innovative solutions to create jobs, control spending, improve our schools and roads, while keeping taxes low.
Newport News Daily Press (which endorsed Tim Kaine in 2005): “Virginia needs a disciplined hand at budget control. That advantage goes again clearly to McDonnell.”Northern Virginia News and Messenger: “McDonnell is the man with the plan”The Winchester Star & Harrisonburg Daily News-Record: “The Republican nominee has studiously cobbled together plans and solutions for Virginia.”Northern Virginia Sun –Gazette Papers: “….there is one candidate who has given thought about how he plans to lead the Old Dominion out of current economic conditions. Robert McDonnell.”
Meanwhile, The Washington Post endorsed Creigh Deeds, praising him because “Mr. Deeds has called for new taxes,” “has unequivocally committed himself to support higher taxes” and “would support legislation to raise new taxes.” These endorsements demonstrate even further how stark the differences are in the crucial Virginia race

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