Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where Did The Republicans Go Wrong

My fellow citizens,

I would like to add to David Horowitz's thoughts below. The Republican Party, like the Democratic Party has not followed the U.S. Constitution. It was the Republicans who started these unconstitutional czars. it is Republicans who named liberal, activist judges to the courts.

On Labor day I attended a Tea Party event in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was embarrassed that my congressional representative did not understand our Constitution. How is the republic safe if our Representatives and Senators do not know the U.S. Constitution? It is not a living document, to be changed on a politician's whim, it is like the eternal 10 commandments.

Republicanism should not be just about finances and prosperity, it should be something deeper than that. It should not be just about countering the wavering belief in America's greatness. Our Constitution and Declaration of Independence are our "beacons on the hill."

I believe Henry Fairlie was correct the ideology that came to dominate American conservatism after World war II did not live up to America's best traditions and was doomed to fall in 2008.

Like Fairlie I believe government's role is preserve tradition and protect the social order, not accumulate vast state power.

For too many years Republicans made the gross national product fodder for our gross national appetite. There should be more to Republicanism than tax cutting, market worship and the economy. For example, Instead of asking the citizens what they could do for their country after the 9/11 attacks George Bush told Americans to go shopping. The average American citizen should have a stake in our national destiny - Neither party consults the citizens, both parties are arrogant, this is what spawned the Tea Party movement and rebellion against arrogant, know-it-all King George III.

Republicanism should be strong enough to unify society, relieve material want and maintain the national defense and security of our allies.

The difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties should be their view of government. Post war republicanism trusted the wisdom of the executive. The Republican elite does not trust the deep religious instinct of the people and endorsed ever-growing statism.

Fairlie believed "conservatism more than liberalism needs a soul."

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