Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obama Is About To Commit An Unconstitutional Act In Order To Sell Israel Out

The article below is scary stuff based on Obama's April 09 statement about worldwide disarmament and his statement five days before the election that he would fundamentally change America.

I believe it is an unconstitutional act on the part of Obama, however the media, the Republicans and the Blue Dog Democrats (Them dogs don't hunt) will roll over and play dead.

Like Judge Bork I believe we have been violating the U.S. constitution for a long time. For example, Roe vs. Wade in my mind clearly violates the Constitution. The role of the government is to protect our rights to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Who will speak for the babies? Now we are headed towards unconstitutional identity-group jurisprudence with Sotomayor and we have slipped down the slippery slope of killing people. Our Holocaust is worse than Hitler's in terms of numbers of children dead compared to Jews murdered. Old people and the disabled could be the next target.

On April 5, 09 Obama delivered a major address in Prague, saying: "The United States will take concrete steps toward a world without nuclear weapons. To put an end to Cold War thinking, we will reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy, and urge others to do the same."

Obama is a Utopian leftist disaster and if he does this at the UN then it is time to impeach him. He is leading from weakness and he will get a huge number of people killed with his pacifism and appeasement. Israel, the USA and our allies are in deep danger and we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

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