Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Don't Tread On Ohio

My fellow Ohioans I received the following from Mike Wilson.

Dear Fellow Citizens and Taxpayers,

I have fantastic news to share. The same sovereignty resolution I mentioned in this morning's email passed the Ohio Senate today by a vote of 19-12!

Yeas - 19
Carey Cates Faber GibbsGillmor Goodman Grendell HughesHusted Jones Niehaus PattonSchaffer Schuring Seitz StewartWagoner Widener Harris

Nays - 12
Cafaro Fedor Kearney Miller DMiller R Morano Sawyer SchiavoniSmith Strahorn Turner Wilson
The fight will now move to the Ohio House which we expect to be more difficult. Until then, we need to share our appreciation with those who voted in favor of the resolution, and we need to demand an answer from those who voted against reaffirming the words of our Constitution.
Mike Wilson
Cincinnati Tea

While the ongoing fight against an expanded government role in health care continues, a significant win happened last week in our own back yard! Most should be familiar with our position that the balance of power between the federal government and state and local government is out of whack. Per the 10th amendment to the Constitution, all powers not explicitly given to the federal government are left to the states, or to the people. The reason is that state and local governments are closer and thereby more responsive and accountable to the ultimate source of power - the free people of the United States.

Many states have passed resolutions affirming their sovereignty under the 10th amendment as a first step in restoring that balance of power. Some of those have taken additional steps that include refusal of federal funds and all the strings attached to it, and even applying a principle called nullification to certain federal laws that apply wholly within a state (thereby not subject to federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause).

Ohio took a small step forward on Wednesday when S.C.R. 13 was reported from the Senate State and Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee to the full Senate. That this finally passed out of committee is a tribute to our work here in Cincinnati and across Ohio. Collectively, we were able to accumulate over 10,000 signatures (along with many more phone calls, emails, and letters) in favor of the resolution.

Our next action is to force hearings and a vote in the full Ohio Senate on the resolution before we turn our attention to the Ohio House. Senate President Bill Harris controls the agenda and is the person we need to contact. If you live in the state of Ohio, please take the time to make a quick phone call or email. All you have to do is tell them that you think SCR 13 is important for Ohio and that it deserves a vote in the full Senate.

Senate President Bill Harris

Thanks for your attention on this. We have the ability to force a vote on this as long as each take just a few minutes to make a phone call. I can't think of anything more effective at shrinking the size of the federal government than states asserting their proper role in our republic.

I have more to share with everyone later this week including some updates on the healthcare debate, ACORN, and a few of the other issues of the day. Look for another email newsletter in the next few days

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