Monday, September 28, 2009

Michael Moore Loves To Use Alinsky Tactics

Yeshua said many important things, for example, render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and more importantly Yeshua told Pontius Pilate my kingdom is not of this world. Yeshua knew this world was corrupt and Satan's play ground. We do not need Mike Moore to give us poor theological arguments. Yeshua never said to his disciples or audiences get those dirty, filthy capitalist Romans. Nor did he tell his fellow Jews to rise up and cast off their chains.

Instead Yeshua told his followers they must circumcise their hearts and be born again. Yeshua came to atone for our sins, he was not a leftist revolutionary. On another occasion he scolded Judas when Judas complained about the cost of the expensive oil the woman used to wash Yeshua'a feet.

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