Monday, September 28, 2009

The Grassroot Conservative Endorses Rob Portman For The U.S. Senate From Ohio

I received the following from Rob's Portman's campaign manager, Bob Pudachik . I have known Rob for several years and know he will represent Ohio with true conservative principles and he will work to protect U.S. national security. I consider it a great honor to endorse him for the U.S. Senate.

Dear Friend,

It’s official! Ohio’s Republican State Central Committee unanimously endorsed Rob Portman’s candidacy for U.S. Senate.

It was an overwhelming affirmation of months of hard work, with Rob attending Republican county Lincoln Day dinners, parades and festivals and meeting with elected officials and grassroots leaders to build a strong corps of support across the state of Ohio. The political winds are changing and Republicans have a historically strong team for 2010. We know that Republicans do well when we have a strong ticket. It doesn’t get better than this! Show your support today just ahead of our third quarter fundraising deadline.

It’s early and poll numbers will continue to move around, but great intensity and support for Rob’s bid is undeniable. The new Rasmussen poll numbers show Rob in a dead heat with his Democratic challengers who both currently hold statewide office.

Send a strong message with a strong third quarter finish! Rob has the commitment, vision and ideas to turn Ohio around and serve as a shining example of resurgence and recovery for the rest of the Country. The unanimous support Rob has received from the Republican Party organization will only increase the Democrat’s false attacks against Rob as they attempt to shift the focus away from the failed policies of the Strickland-Fisher administration. Self-proclaimed Jobs Czar, Lt. Governor Lee Fisher has brought us record unemployment and no plan to turn our state around. The Democrats fear the ideas-based campaign Rob Portman is taking to every corner of Ohio. There’s much work ahead, and we need your help as Rob fights for every Ohio job and every Ohio family! Please show your strong support for Rob's candidacy by by contributing $10, $50, $100 or even $200 to the campaign today.

“Rob is highly respected on both sides of the political aisle, and he brings to the table the experience, skills and temperament that would make him an effective advocate for Ohio on day one.” said Ohio Republican Party Chairman Kevin DeWine, “No one understands better how to address our economic challenges and opportunities better than Rob.” Please do your part to help Rob fight for Ohio working families and put our state back on the path to prosperity. Your support will help us spread Rob’s message of responsible, fiscally-restrained government and policies that promote the job creation Ohio families and small business owners so desperately need. Rob can put Ohio back to work! Contribute Today and ask your friends, colleagues and neighbors to join you as we work together to create the opportunities that Ohio’s hard-working citizens deserve.

Bob Paduchik
Campaign Manager

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