Thursday, September 24, 2009

America Undergoing Judgment

Dear Brothers & Sisters In Yeshua,

I have said this many times in this blog and I will say it again. If the Obama regime insists upon dividing Israel and giving East Jerusalem to the Muslims God will judge our land. Israel is not Obama's land to divide, Israel is God's land and Obama is interfering with God's prophetic plan. I now believe Obama and the people around him represent the spirit of the anti-christ. I want to emphasize that he is not the anti-christ.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem because a huge war is on the horizon. Our enemies sense our weakness and these times resemble the 1930s in many aspects. Netanyahu and the people in Israel need to know they are now standing alone against evil. I have faith in God that the Jewish people and their Christian allies will rise to the challenge. Keep in mind, it was Jewish scientists who promulgated the idea of the atomic bomb and I believe Israel has a secret weapon to protect itself. Israel's enemies will be shocked and dismayed at Israel's power. However, the Israelis must not rely solely on technology and armaments. They need to draw closer to God in their hour of crisis because only Yeshua can save them.

Of course, I do not know the future but the Lord sent me a dream about three months ago of a major electrical storm. My dream resembled the first Gulf War and occurred in or caused darkness. Three weeks ago a Christian brother sat at my table and told me about his vision. In his vision he saw a globe like one would have in a living or study. He said just above Italy he saw a fire beginning. Two or three hours after we had lunch I telephoned him to get clarification about the vision. I said, "Dave tell me more about this vision you had this week." Dave said, I did not have this vision this week I had it at your table. I asked him if the fire he saw was the Holy Spirit and he said no it was every sin, perversion and evil one could imagine and it spread around the world. I explained to him that in the "End Times" the Bible said young men would have visions and dreams. Subsequently my son told me he had a dream that involved violence. I believe these dreams and visions are interconnected.

My friends these visions and dreams are a foreshadowing. Time is running out because our enemies are plotting behind the back of Obama, America and Israel. Our enemies hate us because we are the light in the world, we are the beacon of hope. This is a spiritual war involving Satan and the forces of darkness. Obama is merely the tool to an evil end.

It has rained in Cincinnati approximately four or five straight days now. Georgia and Alabama have faced massive flooding and Georgia is bankrupt. America's bread basket the central valley of California has no water. Th central valley produces the bulk of our lettuce, water melons, honey dews, tomatoes, almonds, cabbage, and a variety of other crops. I find it interesting that Obama, to the best of my knowledge, has not spoken about the central valley or the floods in Georgia and Alabama.

Our federal government that continually states it can solve our problems but our so-called leaders can't even mobilize an effort to help California, Alabama or Georgia.

Large parts of California have been devastated with wild fires and California is bankrupt. The state of California has spent over $300 million on these fires. Many reservoirs in California are only one third full. California has faced a drought for three years now.

We have just thwarted a major attack in New York City. Fox News in the last hour (Thursday, 24 Sep @ 1200 hours) reported that Zazi and his Muslim henchmen planned to set off Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and bombs. I do not consider back pack or bombs in vans to be WMD. Why did Fox News report WMD?

It is not a coincidence that these things are occurring. Our great nation is being permeated with the spirit of Satan. Every time one of our officials talks of dividing Israel and Jerusalem something adverse happens in America. I have written on this topic in the past in this blog and you can look up the facts on this matter in previous posts.

I have also come to the conclusion that Obama and his wife are narcissists who are focused on themselves. Michelle took a 36 car convoy to go grocery shopping. She lives in the White House why does she have to go grocery shopping? She views herself as a celebrity and she and her husband need adoring fans. This my friends is a cult of personality.

In an effort to keep you informed, Joel Rosenberg reported the following about (WASHINGTON, D.C., September 24, 2009) -- President Obama's first address to the United Nations General Assembly was not just a disappointment, it was dangerous. Weak on Iran. Hard on Israel. Virtually silent on Afghanistan. The President effectively called for Israel's capital city of Jerusalem to be divided, for Israel itself to be divided, and proposed no enforcement mechanism to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. This will only encourage the Radicals from Gaza City to Tehran. Ahmadinejad's speech was also dangerous, in a different way. The tone was low-key, quiet, deceitfully tame -- it was clear he didn't want to make splashy, provocative headlines this time around. The speech was aimed at temporarily mollifying critics (or at least not giving them fresh ammunition against him), and buying time so the West doesn't act decisively and Iran can finish building nuclear weapons without interference. What's so dangerous is this strategy is likely to work. Noteworthy was that he didn't end his address with a prayer to Allah asking him to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah, known as the "Twelfth Imam," or the "Mahdi," or the "just and promised One" as he did in 2005 and 2006. Nor did he open the speech by praying for the Allah to hasten the coming of the Islamic messiah, as he did in 2007. That said, Ahmadinejad's address contained more references to the coming of the Mahdi than any of the others, including his 2008 speech which did build on this theme. He referred twice to the Shia Islamic eschatological notion of "entezar." This is the capacity for a Shia Muslim to wait patiently for the coming of the Islamic Messiah.

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