ACLU & Leftists Photograph Intelligence Officers & Agents

My friends and colleagues inside our intelligence agencies tell me morale is at an all-time low. I am convinced the administration is deliberately destroying the CIA and that Obama will keep trying to put Cheney and Bush on trial for "so-called" torture methods.

On a separate issue chatter and rumors are circulating on the perimeter of Al Qaeda and other organizations that indicate a plot to assassinate Obama is in the planning stage. This plot could go operational early next year. The media and leftists will falsely blame the assassination attempt on white rascists, in actuality Muslims are behind the plot.

There are two important points here 1. An assassination attempt will cause widespread riots in the U.S. which Al Qaeda and other Muslim groups like Hamas want and 2. Obama's father was a Muslim and Barack was educated as a Muslim. Barack claims he is a Christian hence he is an apostate because he left his father's religion and his murder or attempted murder would be like a Islamic honor killing.

First Amendment Violation In Reston. VA.

Would this have happened if it was a white police officer and a black person?

Would this have happened if the poster had a picture of G. Bush as the joker?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bulletin: Orwell's 2009

It was reported today that Senators Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snow(conehead) have been working behind closed doors on a (secret) bill that would shut down private users Internet accounts and cell phone accounts etc. The bill would also appoint a Czar for Internet.

This is exactly the type of activity our government criticized the Iranians for a month ago when the Iranians shut down the regime's opponent's Twitter and other accounts. I want to emphasize this is not a national security based bill, in the sense of a Pearl Harbor national emergency. Rather the President and Czar can make the decision that there is a cyber threat and act to seize the Internet and cell phones.

Jay Sekulow from the American Center For Law & Justice stated this is a clear violation of our First Amendment right to free speech.

I guess the politicians feel what is good for the Iranians is good for America. I would imagine Sharia law will be next.

Brothers & Sisters In Yeshua

A remarkable spiritual event occurred today. Almost every Friday I have lunch with my good Christian buddy Dave. Dave is a deeply spiritual young man and totally unpolitical. He and his children are blessed with the gift of healing.

As we were eating Dave began talking about a vision. He told me he saw a globe (that spins on a axis) like one someone would have in their living room or study. On the globe just above Italy Dave said a fire began and spread throughout Europe and spread around the world. I was confused and I asked Dave if this was the Holy Spirit? He said no this is sin, godlessness, greed, pride, love of self etc. I reminded Dave that the Bible states that in the End Times young men would see visions!

Brothers and sisters I do not believe Dave's vision happened accidentally. Manifestations of the Holy Spirit are occurring around the world, especially in Muslim nations. We must prepare ourselves for more signs from God and gird ourselves for what lies ahead. Keep in mind the Lord/Adonai does not want us to worry, He wants us to communicate with him in person. He is tired of getting our emails We must pray for our nation, the peace of Jerusalem, seek repentance for our sins and desire a revival in the U.S. Ask for a pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon our land. Holy Spirit open the flood gates of heaven!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

U.S. Enemies Continue To Plot


(August 21, 2009) -- Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called on Muslims in neighboring countries this week to intensify preparations for the coming of the Islamic Messiah known as the Mahdi or the "Twelfth Imam." He specifically urged Muslims to mobilize forces to defeat the United States and Israel. "We have to train honest forces that can stop the obstacles that may hinder the coming of the Mahdi like the United States and Israel," the Ayatollah said through a spokesman, in a story reported by al-Arabiya, the Arabic-language news channel based in the Gulf. "Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's spokesman, Ali Saeedi, said countries like Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan should gather together all their forces...."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Competition By Charles Payne

"My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group: there was much less competition."- Indira Gandhi

There are forces out there trying to limit competition, or the competitive edge, that has made America the best nation on the planet. Competition is great; it not only brings out the best in people it makes them achieve things they didn't even know that they had within themselves. For those that say it brings out the worst and use someone like Bernie Madoff I say they're off base. Crooks exist in all systems from capitalism, socialism, and Marxism. The fact is that crooks, poverty, and mismanagement actually thrive even more in systems that aren't free market. Just think of the direction so many African countries took upon gaining their independence. The majority became socialist nations. Those decisions have been disastrous. The system just holds back human creativity and individual desires. It's easy to romanticize the notion of a grand place where everyone is working hard and sharing wealth.

The problem though is that these political systems and ideologies are flawed even on paper, and have no chance of hitting the mark in practice. In the end, we know that Indira Gandhi's father was right about people who don't work but want the fortunes of work, including the credit. There is part of the human psyche that if given a chance to become or learn how to be lazy that would adapt to it very well. I've seen it, and the real sad thing is such behavior is justified by those on the receiving end of a free ride. Still, we all understand survival so let's begin there with the premise that there is a minimum amount of work we are expected to do to keep the species alive. It goes back. I can imagine some enterprising caveman finding a way to whittle extra spears in exchange for goods and services. Could you really envision him going the extra mile and then heading out for a hunt while a couple other cavemen stayed behind in the warmth of the cave? I say absolutely not.

Those cave dwellers didn't have congressmen back then and the negative feedback loop that has become politics of payoffs and cowardice, after all.

Right now, the political winds are shifting in America, thank God. But, things are still fragile enough that the masses could be persuaded to flush it all away: the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and capitalism. So, this morning, I want to remind everyone why competition works. Why our children should come home from school every now and then with a bloody nose from dodge ball or taking on the class bully. It's what makes us strong. Competition isn't just about financial enrichment; in fact that it's just a byproduct of a greater personal enrichment that can't be quantified but you know it when you achieve it. And, not only does the journey make it all worthwhile but also the fight to maintain traction and reach for even greater heights. It's wonderful.

It builds character, it builds determination, and it builds a foundation for widespread greatness. It's infectious, and it shouldn't be abandoned. There should be competition in real healthcare reform, but it can't be the same as your kid fighting, coming home with a bloody nose from the fist of the school principle.

Bring down state barriers to competition, enact tort reform and watch how quickly things get better with respect to healthcare reform. If you really want cheaper health insurance let Wal- Mart (WMT) get in the business. But, let the public option die as it's a farce and will only become another expensive black hole. It's not real competition.

Competition before our Eyes

I bring this up because I watch a fair amount of television and consider myself a connoisseur of television commercials. When there is no competition the commercials can be very boring or not engaging.

Well, I guess that those old Soviet posters were engaging but reinforced fear not desire or joy. Be that as it may, so many are Americans still enthralled with the idea of moving away from competition and just letting the government be their nanny. Don't give up; just think of a couple of great commercials on the airwaves these days. I think that competition is innate and should be urged and nurtured. I guarantee you that many of the biggest innovators these days were the kids that lost at dodge make sure you don't let your children's school ban it. Maybe I'm silly but I love the State Street and Travelers commercials using dogs and music.
This is competition at its best, and the winner is the viewer.

Send me an email and let me know your favorite.

I Am The Grassroot Watchman

Isaiah 62:6-7

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” Isaiah 62:6-7

This passage is packed with God’s covenant with Israel. It gives us a glimpse of how heavy His heart is for the apple of His eye. It is one of so many from Genesis to Revelation that convey and confirm His plans and purposes to reveal and glorify Himself through His chosen people.Yet remarkably, many Christians compartmentalize the topic of Israel as though it were simply another option on a menu of church programs, leaving it to others to delve into the scripture passages that tell of God’s love for a land and people wrapped in a seemingly complex conflict half a world away. But this passage doesn’t give us that luxury, to be able to choose if we want to be in, or out, of that group of people that are to give themselves no rest over Jerusalem. Not everyone is Called to be one of the watchmen mentioned in the previous passage, but the Lord clearly defines this special category of people that He commands to give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem the praise of all the earth. . . They who call on the Lord.

Monday, August 24, 2009

FBI Director Mueller's Letter To The Scottish Justice Secretary

Below is the full text of the letter sent by FBI director Robert Mueller to Scotland's Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill:

Dear Mr Secretary

Over the years I have been a prosecutor, and recently as the Director of the FBI, I have made it a practice not to comment on the actions of other prosecutors, since only the prosecutor handling the case has all the facts and the law before him in reaching the appropriate decision. Your decision to release Megrahi causes me to abandon that practice in this case. I do so because I am familiar with the facts, and the law, having been the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the investigation and indictment of Megrahi in 1991. And I do so because I am outraged at your decision, blithely defended on the grounds of ''compassion''. Your action in releasing Megrahi is as inexplicable as it is detrimental to the cause of justice. Indeed your action makes a mockery of the rule of law. Your action gives comfort to terrorists around the world who now believe that regardless of the quality of the investigation, the conviction by jury after the defendant is given all due process, and sentence appropriate to the crime, the terrorist will be freed by one man's exercise of ''compassion''. Your action rewards a terrorist even though he never admitted to his role in this act of mass murder and even though neither he nor the government of Libya ever disclosed the names and roles of others who were responsible. Your action makes a mockery of the emotions, passions and pathos of all those affected by the Lockerbie tragedy: the medical personnel who first faced the horror of 270 bodies strewn in the fields around Lockerbie, and in the town of Lockerbie itself; the hundreds of volunteers who walked the fields of Lockerbie to retrieve any piece of debris related to the break-up of the plane; the hundreds of FBI agents and Scottish police who undertook an unprecedented global investigation to identify those responsible; the prosecutors who worked for years - in some cases a full career - to see justice done. But most importantly, your action makes a mockery of the grief of the families who lost their own on December 21, 1988. You could not have spent much time with the families, certainly not as much time as others involved in the investigation and prosecution. You could not have visited the small wooden warehouse where the personal items of those who perished were gathered for identification - the single sneaker belonging to a teenager; the Syracuse sweatshirt never again to be worn by a college student returning home for the holidays; the toys in a suitcase of a businessman looking forward to spending Christmas with his wife and children. You apparently made this decision without regard to the views of your partners in the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the Lockerbie tragedy. Although the FBI and Scottish police, and prosecutors in both countries, worked exceptionally closely to hold those responsible accountable, you never once sought our opinion, preferring to keep your own counsel and hiding behind opaque references to ''the need for compassion''. You have given the family members of those who died continued grief and frustration. You have given those who sought to assure that the persons responsible would be held accountable the back of your hand. You have given Megrahi a ''jubilant welcome'' in Tripoli, according to the reporting. Where, I ask, is the justice?

Sincerely yours,

Robert S. Mueller, III Director

Dr. Krauthammer Talks About Obama

Subject: Krauthammer on Obama

As many of you know Dr. Krauthammer is on Fox News. He is an M.D. and a lawyer and is paralyzed from the neck down. A friend went to hear Charles Krauthammer. He listened with 25 others in a closed room. What he says here, is not 2nd-hand but 1st. The ramifications are staggering for us, our children and their children. Last Monday was a profound evening, hearing Dr. Charles Krauthammer speak to the Center for the American Experiment. He is brilliant intellectual, seasoned & articulate. He is forthright and careful in his analysis, and never resorts to emotions or personal insults. He is not a fear monger nor an extremist in his comments and views. He is a fiscal conservative, and has received a Pulitzer Prize for writing. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News and writes weekly for the Washington Post. The entire room was held spe llbound during his talk. I have summarized his comments, as we are living in uncharted waters economically and internationally. Even 2 Dems at my table agreed with everything he said! If you feel like forwarding this to those who are open minded and have not drunk the Kool-Aid, feel free.
Summary of his comments:
1. Mr. Obama is a very intellectual, charming individual. He is not to be underestimated. He is a cool customer who doesn't show his emotions. It's very hard to know what's behind the mask. The taking down of the Clinton dynasty by a political neophyte was an amazing accomplishment. The Clintons still do not understand what hit them. Obama was in the perfect place at the perfect time.
2. Obama has political skills comparable to Reagan and Clinton. He has a way of making you think he's on your side, agreeing with your position, while doing the opposite. Pay no attention to what he SAYS; rather, watch what he DOES!
3. Obama has a ruthless quest for po wer. He did not come to Washington to make something out of himself, but rather to change everything, including dismantling capitalism. He can't be straightforward on his ambitions, as the public would not go along. He has a heavy hand, and wants to level the playing field with income redistribution and punishment to the achievers of society. He would like to model the USA to Great Britain or Canada.
4. His three main goals are to control ENERGY, PUBLIC EDUCATION, and NATIONAL HEALTHCARE by the Federal government. He doesn't care about the auto or financial services industries, but got them as an early bonus. The cap and trade will add costs to everything and stifle growth. Paying for FREE college education is his goal. Most scary is his healthcare program, because if you make it FREE and add 46,000,000 people to a Medicare-type single-payer system, the costs will go through the roof. The only way to control costs is with massive RATIO NING of services, like in Canada . God forbid!
5. He has surrounded himself with mostly far-left academic types. No one around him has ever even run a candy store. But they are going to try and run the auto, financial, banking and other industries. This obviously can't work in the long run. Obama is not a socialist; rather he's a f ar-left secular progressive bent on nothing short of revolution. He ran as a moderate, but will govern from the hard left. Again, watch what he does, not what he says.
6. Obama doesn’t really see himself as President of the United States , but more as a ruler over the world. He sees himself above it all, trying to orchestrate & coordinate various countries and their agendas. He sees moral equivalency in all cultures. His apology tour in Germany and England was a prime example of how he sees America , as an imperialist nation that has been arrogant, rather than a great noble nation that has at times made errors. This is the first President ever who has chastised our allies and appeased our enemies!
7. He is now handing out goodies. He hopes that the bill (and pain) will not come due until after he is reelected in 2012. He would like to blame all problems on Bush from the past, and hopefully his successor in the future. He has a huge ego, and Dr. Krauthammer believes he is a narcissist.
8. Republicans are in the wilderness for a while, but will emerge strong. Republicans are pining for another Reagan, but there will never be another like him. Krauthammer believes Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty & Bobby Jindahl (except for his terrible speech in February) are the future of the party. Newt Gingrich is brilliant, but has baggage. Sarah Palin is sincere and intelligent, but needs to really be seriously boning up on facts and info if she is to be a serious candidate in the future. We need to return to the party of lower taxes, smaller government, personal responsibility, strong national defense, and state’s rights.
9. The current level of spending is irresponsible and outrageous. We are spending trillions that we don’t have. This could lead to hyperinflation, depression or worse. No country has ever spent themselves into prosperity. The media is giving Obama, Reid and Pelosi a pass because they love their agenda. But eventually the bill will come due and people will realize the huge bailouts didn’t work, nor will the stimulus package. These were trillion-dollar payoffs to Obama’s allies, unions and the Congress to placate the left, so he can get support for #4 above.
10. The election was over in mid-September when Lehman brothers failed, fear and panic swept in, we had an unpopular President, and the war was grinding on indefinitely without a clear outcome. The people are in pain, and the mantra of change caused people to act emotionally. Any Dem would have won this election; it was surprising it was as close as it was.
11. In 2012, if the unemployment rate is over 10%, Republicans will be swept back into power. If it's under 8%, the Dems continue to roll. If it's between 8-10%, it will be a dogfight. It will all be about the economy. I hope this gets you really thinking about what's happening in Washington and Congress. There is a left-wing revolution going on, according to Krauthammer, and he encourages us to keep the faith and join the loyal resistance. The work will be hard, but we’re right on most issues and can reclaim our country, before it's far too late.Do yourself a long term favor, send this to all who will listen to an intelligent assessment of the big picture. All our futures and children's futures depend on our good understanding of what is really going on in DC, and our action pursuant to that understanding!! It really IS up to each of us to take individual action!! Start with educating your friends and neighbors!!!


David Horowitz will be on Glen Beck's program today @ 5:00 P.M. eastern standard time. Learn how your great country is being undermined.

A Soldier's Lament

A Soldier's Take On Michael Jackson's Death

This is written by a young soldier serving his third tour of duty in Iraq. Thought you might find his take on the Michael Jackson newsinteresting and he's right. Okay, I need to rant. I was just watching the news, and I caught part of a report on MichaelJackson. As we all know, Jackson died the other day. He was an entertainer who performed for decades. He made millions, he spent millions, and he did a lot of things that make him a villain to many people. I understand that his death would affect a lot of people, and I respect those people who mourn his death, but that isn't the point of my rant.Why is it that when ONE man dies, the whole of America loses their minds with grief. When a man dies whose only contribution to the country was to ENTERTAIN people, the American people find the need to flock to a memorial in Hollywood, and even Congress sees the need to hold a "moment of silence" for his passing? Am I missing something here? ONE man dies, and all of a sudden he's a freaking martyr because he entertained us for a few decades? Whatabout all those SOLDIERS who have died to give us freedom? All those Soldiers who, knowing that they would be asked to fight in a war, still raised their hands and swore to defend the Constitution and the United States of America. Where is their moment of silence? Where are the people flocking to their graves or memorials and mourning over them because they made the ultimate sacrifice? Why is it when a Soldier dies, there are more people saying "good riddance," and "thank God for IEDs?" When did this country become so calloused to the sacrifice of GOOD MEN and WOMEN, that they can arbitrarily blow off their deaths, and instead, throw themselves into mourning for a "Pop Icon?"I think that if they are going to hold a moment of silence IN CONGRESSfor Michael Jackson, they need to hold a moment of silence for every service member killed in Iraq and Afghanistan! They need to PUBLICLYrecognize every life that has been lost, so that the American people can live their callous little lives in the luxury and freedom that WE (those that are living and those that have gone on) have provided for them. But, wait... that would take too much time, because there have been so many willing to make that sacrifice. After all, we will never make millions of dollars. We will never star in movies, or write hit songs that the world will listen too. We only shed our blood, sweat and tears so that people can enjoy what they have. Sorry if I have offended, but I needed to say it. Remember these five words the next time you think of someone who is serving in the military; "So that others may live..."Isaac

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Warning About The U.S. Economy

The ElijahList - Chuck Pierce: Follow Up: "Chuck Pierce Clarifies More About His Prophetic Insight on the Economy and Gives Strategies for Action"

I would like to add the following to what Chuck Pierce said. First, BO's adminisration will use a crisis to consolidate more power. Secondly, the commercial real estate business in the U.S. is a house of cards. Finally, BO's administration is now bulling and intimidating Health Care Insurance industry executives into submission. I consider myself a watchman also and I believe our nation is being transformed by closet revolutionaries. Our children may be last generation to live in real freedom.

BO's First Seven Months

BO's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it,
passed by a Congress that hasn't read it,
signed by a president who smokes,
funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes,
overseen by a surgeon general who is obese,
and financed by a country that is broke.

What else possibly could go wrong?

First 7 months:
1. Offended the Queen of England.
2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.
3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.
4. Kissed Hugo Chavez on the cheek.
5. Endorsed the Socialist Eva Morales of Bolivia.
6. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions.
7. Gave away billions to AIG without pre-conditions.
8. Expanded the bailouts.
9. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.
10. Doubled our national debt, currently $11.5 trillion (in 9 years $20 trillion).
11. Announced a termination of the space defense system the day after the North Koreans launched an ICBM.
12. Despite the urgings of his own CIA director and the prior 4 CIA directors, released information on intelligence gathering.
13. Accepted without public comment the fact that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two others withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.
14. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who quickly identified as "dangers to the nation", groups including veterans of the military, and opponents to abortion on demand, and who ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used but instead referred to such acts as "man made disasters".
15. Circled the globe so he could openly apologize for America's greatness.
16. Told Mexicans the violence in their country was because of us.
17. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from its Department of Commerce origins.
18. Appointed as Attorney General, Eric Holder, who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion from America to Cuba of a nine-year old whose mother died trying to bring him to a life of freedom in the United States.
19. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration will likely stand trial for "torturing" a terrorist who had played a part in killing 3000 Americans by pouring water up their nose.
20. Approved the flight Air Force One over New York City causing panic at a cost of $400,000 to get a photo you can make with Photo Shop for less than a dollar.
21. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure Europe that the U.S. will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslim extremist.
22. Began the process of bullying & nationalizing the Auto Industry and the Insurance industry.
23. Announced that for all intent and purposes, the Health Insurance Industry will be nationalized.
24. Utilizes Saul Alinsky's tactics of ridicule and intimidation to neutralize Sarah Palin and other opponents.
25. Praises Islam at the start of Ramadan but refused to acknowledge the National Day of Prayer.
26. Used the Gospel of Jesus to morally push his Deathcare program on us, a program that would speed our nation's insolvency.
27. Manipulated a staged propaganda event in Bozeman, Montana.
28. Spends money on himself and his family from the public treasury.
29. Does nothing to counteract the rampant corruption within his administration. 30. Manages foreign policy by sweeping most of the problems under the rug (ignoring the problems) except to slam Israel, one of America's few friends in the world.
31. Names an unqualified idiot to the U.S. Supreme Court.
32. he gets Americans to take on even more debt with his Cash for Clunkers Program.
33. Starts a Cash for Caskets Program
34. His party criticized auto industry execs for coming to Washington in private jets while Nancy Pelosi and other corrupt politicians spend hundreds of millions of dollars on new jets

And just think only 3 years and 5 months to go, if we have anything left.These are True Facts, think about it ... God help us all!

We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.— George Orwell

BO's Visit To Montana

Hello All,

By now you have probably heard that President Obama came to Montana last Friday. However, there are many things that the major news has not covered. I feel that since Bill and I live here and we were at the airport on Friday I should share some facts with you. Whatever you decide to do with the information is up to you. If you chose to share this email with others I do ask that you DELETE my email address before you forward this on.On Wednesday, August 5th it was announced locally that the President would be coming here. There are many groups here that are against his healthcare and huge spending so those groups began talking and deciding on what they were going to do. The White House would not release ANY details other than the date.On about Tuesday Bill found out that they would be holding the "Town Hall" at the airport. (This is only because Bill knows EVERYONE at the airport) Our airport is actually located outside of Belgrade (tiny town) in a very remote location. Nothing is around there. They chose to use a hangar that is the most remotely located hangar. You could not pick a more remote location, and you can not get to it easily. It is totally secluded from the public.FYI: We have many areas in Belgrade and Bozeman which could have held a large amount of folks with sufficient parking. (gymnasiums/auditoriums). All of which have chairs and tables, and would not have to be SHIPPED IN!! $$$$$During the week, cargo by the TONS was being shipped in constantly. Airport employees could not believe how it just kept coming. Though it was our President coming several expressed how excessive it was, especially during a recession. $$$$$ Late Tuesday/early Wednesday the 12th, they said that tickets would be handed out on Thursday 9am at two locations and the president would be arriving around 12:30 Friday.Thursday morning about 600 tickets were passed out. However, 1500 were printed at a Local printing shop per White House request. Hmmmm......900 tickets just DISAPPEARED.This same morning someone called into the radio from the local UPS branch and said that THOUSANDS of Dollars of Lobster were shipped in for Obama. Montana has some of the best beef in the nation!!! And it would have been really wonderful to help out the local economy. Anyone heard of the Recession?? Just think...with all of the traveling the White House is doing. $$$$$ One can only imagine what else we are paying for.On Friday Bill and I got out to the airport about 10:45am. The groups that wanted to protest Obama's spending and healthcare had gotten a permit to protest and that area was roped off. But that was not to be. A large bus carrying SEIU (Service Employees International Union) members drove up onto the area (illegal)and unloaded right there. It was quite a commotion and there were specifically 2 SEIU men trying to make trouble and start a fight. Police did get involved and arrested the one man but they said they did not have the manpower to remove the SEIU crowd. The SEIU crowd was very organized and young. About 99% were under the age of 30 and they were not locals! They had bullhorns and PROFESSIONALLY made signs. Some even wore preprinted T-shirts. Oh, and Planned Parenthood folks were with them.....professing abortion rights with their T-shirts and preprinted signs. (BTW, all these folks did have a permit to protest in ANOTHER area)Those against healthcare/spending moved away from the SEIU crowd to avoid confrontation. They were orderly and respectful. Even though SEIU kept coming over and walking through, continuing to be very intimidating and aggressive at the direction of the one SEIU man. So we had Montana folks from ALL OVER the state with their homemade signs and their DOGS with homemade signs. We had cowboys, nurses, doctors you name it. There was even a guy from Texas who had been driving through. He found out about the occasion, went to the store, made a sign, and came to protest.If you are wondering about the press.....Well, all of the major networks were over by that remote hangar I mentioned. They were conveniently parked on the other side of the buildings FAR away. None of these crowds were even visible to them. I have my doubts that they knew anything about the crowds. We did have some local news media around us from this state and Idaho . Speaking of the local media...they were invited. However, all questions were to be turned into the White House in advance of the event. Wouldn't want anyone to have to think off the top of their head.It was very obvious that it was meant to be totally controlled by the White House. Everything was orchestrated down to the last detail to make it appear that Montana is just crazy for Obama and government healthcare. Even those people that talked about their insurance woes........the White House called our local HRDC (Human Resource and Development Committee) and asked for names. Then the White House asked those folks to come. Smoke and mirrors...EVERYTHING was staged!!!!!!!!!!! I am very dismayed about what I learned about our current White House. The amount of control and manipulation was unbelievable. I felt I was not living in the United States of America , more like the USSR !! I was physically nauseous. Bill and I have been around when Presidents or Heads of State visit. It has NEVER been like this. I am truly very frightened for our country. America needs your prayers and your voices. If you care about our country please get involved. Know the issues. And let Congress hear your voices again and again!! If they are willing to put forth so much effort to BULLY a small town one can only imagine what is going on in Washington DC . Scary!!

Name Withheld For Security Reasons

Bozeman , Montana

Who Do You Trust Barney Frank or Jesus Christ

The Great Physician

I would like to add to what Paul Cooper wrote. I do not recall Yeshua visiting prisons, however when the thief on the cross reached out to Yeshua on the cross Yeshua said, today you will be with me in paradise. My point - it is up to each of us to knock on Yeshua's door. Socialists and communists are using the Bible and the gospel to advance their agenda. This is a Saul Alinsky and communist argument and tactic. Yeshua lived in a brutal, decadent, slave holding Roman Empire. He had no rights in the Roman Empire because he was not a Roman citizen. He never once called for the overthrow of the Roman Empire. When Pilate asked him about his kingdom Yeshua responded, "My kingdom is not of this earth."

I trust Mother Theresa and St. Anthony more than government and Saul Alinsky, they had no ulterior motives because they were guided by the two great commandments.

Too Many Piglets Too Few Teets

President Lincoln made the above statement concerning applicants for positions in his government. His statement goes to the heart of the problem with government today, a problem that infects the Democratic and Republican Party - the continual growth of big government or Statism. I truly believe the current generation will be the last generation to live in total freedom in our great nation. we are slaves to the government in a host of different matters. As a consequence small business in the U.S. is an endangered species.

For example, this morning I heard on Fox News that the federal government is going to give out money for caskets. if this is true it is outrageous. I would not understand this even if we in the midst of an epidemic that was killing millions because we would have to burn bodies on a massive scale. Providing caskets to poor people is not a role of the federal government. The churchs, temples, mosques etc. should and can bury these people. This is a role for charity, not government.

As many of you know I am an avid bicyclist. (I recently rode the entirety of the Blue Ridge Parkway without any federal bailout.) I am a member of the Adventure Cycling Assn. and a get regular mailings from them. The following statement was in the current news.

"And, in what must causing excitement in the offices of Adventure Cyling, the (federal transportation) bill would establish a 'U.S. Bicycle Route System,' which would, 'create a system for approval and designation of...a national system of bicycle routes." An incentive fund to provide matching grants to states that implement national bicycle routes. The grants could be used for planning, mapping and signing routes and even building new cycling facilities.

My fellow citizens I would love to have the national Bicycle Route System but we cannot afford it. It is time to tighten national belt. Our current national debt is 11.5 trillion dollars, in nine years it will be 20 trillion dollars. This hemmorage in federal and state spending must stop or a huge financial catastrophe will occur.

Article 1, Section 8. of the U.S. Constitution clearly enumerates the spending powers of the Congess. It is time to adhere to the U.S. Constitution!

My fellow citizens these huge spending bills Deathcare, Federal Stimulus, etc. are clearly unconstitutional and are illegal. I hope and pray a good citizen or group sues in federal court concerning this constitutional issue.

Finally, God has clearly blessed this nation, we are rich agriculturally and possess vast natural resources. We are required to be stewards of our wealth and blessings. We are squandering wealth that has been building since the founding of this nation. Once our wealth and blessings are gone they will be gone forever. The United States of America will be a mere shell of its former self and everyone will be on the dole like people in Cuba.

The bell is tolling my friends is it tolling for you and your country?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Excerpt from G. Washington's Farewell Address

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens....Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education....reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

Saul Alinsky Part 4

I do not believe we can understand the current state of affairs in the U.S. without understanding the communist Saul Alinsky.

Iran - Israel - Russia - G8

Our enemies continue to plot behind our back and the back of Israel; the American people focused on internal problems remain oblivious to foreign threats; so it is written in the Bible

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Saul Alinsky Part 3

Alinsky was an exponent of moral relativism - the moral disease that deeply infects America today. After reading his thoughts on "Organizing People" or the "have nots" I do not believe he believed in God, the U.S. Constitution or the fact that our rights are derived from God and that government cannot take them away.

He is a product of the 1920s and 1930s, an antiquated proponent of communist class warfare. We see his type of agitator in the classic movie "Dr. Zhivago." The agitator who infiltrates and demoralizes the Russian army during World War One. Unfortunately, some of our fellow citizens are falling for his old communist tricks. We used to call them "fellow travelers," Lenin called them "useful idiots."

I find it interesting that he claimed he associated with and was fascinated with Chicago mobsters like Al Capone. The organizing model he advocated resembles that of mobsters.

Also his adherents today have successfully attacked Sarah Palin by using his tactic of ridicule.

Alinsky thoughts were very flawed because like other Utopians such as the French Revolutionists, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. they are doomed to failure because even if their revolution succeeds it ultimately will fail because the violence of the revolution breeds a backlash because people get tired of endless, senseless violence and repression.

I do not believe Alinsky understood America. There is no other nation on earth that fought a war to free an ethnic group by abolishing slavery. We are part of a small group of nations who welcomed Jews to our country. We have opened our gates and hearts to the down trodden. We are at our core a moral people. Unfortunately people like Alinsky want to destroy what is best about America by creating their utopia. In America one does not have to have a PHD from the University of Chicago to be successful. One can choose any walk of life in America and be successful, Alinsky preached a gospel of doom, gloom and conflict with our fellow citizens.

If you wish to read a detailed summary of Saul Alinsky go to the link below.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Corruption In The White House

Go to the link below for Attorney General Eric Holder's biography. Holder helped to free Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi from detention in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Al-Ajmi subsequently went back to his terrorist activities as a suicide bomber in Iraq. Al-Ajmi murdered several people including 13 Iraqi policemen. Thank you Mr. Holder. You are a corrupt politician who has blood on your hands.

See my previously written article on Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Birds of a Feather Flocking Together

Despite worldwide objections BO recently gave anti-Semitic loon Mary Robinson the Medal of Freedom. She wore an islamic veil at the anti-Semitic Durbin conference. Mary Robinson, Jimmy Carter and other anti-American and anti-Jewish loons are roving diplomats that call themselves "The Elders, Wise Men And Women."

Below is the Link to the "So-called Elders."

Does BO know anyone or associate with anyone who is not an anti-American, anti-Jewish, Left-wing Nut?

Go to the link below and search Mary Robinson.

Obama's Other Pastor Problem

My fellow citizens,

Go to the link below and then SEARCH Joseph Lowery, I think you will be surprised at this man's leftist background.

Corruption In The White House

My fellow citizens, I predict that Obama's administration will be one of the most corrupt in our nation's history.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Is One of Greatest Generations Worth Anyway?

My fellow citizens we have murdered (aborted) an estimated 30 million babies in our country. These dead people could replace illegal working immigrants and would be pay into our bankrupt Social Security (36 trillion dollars in the red) and Medicare (15 trillion dollars in the red) systems. Our Holocaust is as bad as Hitler's killing programs. I do not think God is going to look blindly upon the murder of innocent children who were guaranteed LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness under our constitution.
When abortion was legalized (Rowe vs. Wade) wise people warned we were headed down a slippery slope! What group will we murder next?
Check the facts, Obama spoke on the floor of the Illinois State Senate and advocated INFANTICIDE!
Wake up America, this Death Care legislation is evil.
Let see babies, helpless children, now one of our greatest generation is on the chopping block.
The politicians know Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. are bankrupt the only way out is to ration health care and eliminate people. It is the same argument Hitler used Utilitarianism!
If it isn't useful and cost effective to German society get rid of it!
Check out the history the first allies of the Nazis were German physicians!
If this evil legislation is enacted then Ted Kennedy and Senator Byrd of West Virginia should be the first to get death counseling.
Between 1935 and 1938 the allies could have stopped Hitler and his murderous programs but the allies stood by and aided and abetted Hitler. Now Obama and his political henchmen are crossing the Rubicon. How will history judge us? Our Nuremberg trial is coming, will you be sitting in the docket with our contemporary Goering?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

National Security and Federal Spending

Some of the key point in Mr. Slane's talk are:

  • China views itself at the "Middle Kingdom" and historically the rest of the world comes to China
  • China has 40 to 50 million people unemployed
  • China plans to build 8 aircraft carriers, the U.S. has 5
  • The U.S.'s chief exports to China are scrap paper and wood
  • China has 2.4 trillion U.S. dollars in cash reserves
  • China has 30 million cars
  • China's savings rate is 51%
  • China needs to change from an export dominated economy to a domestic consumption economy
  • Chinese politicians are like U.S. politicians - maintaining their power is paramount
  • China faces the threat of instability and implosion
  • Power in the world shifted from the Atlantic to the Pacific
  • China is developing an electric car
  • China wants to be the largest manufacturer of electric cars
  • The United States needs a national Industrial Policy

Daniel M. Slane, the speaker in the above video is an Ohioan, a renowned international businessman, a former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "The Ohio State University" and among other prestigious appointments worked in the White House under President Gerald Ford. He has owned numerous businesses' including several in China, which makes him uniquely qualified to serve on the U.S. - China Economic and Security Commission in Washington D.C. Since the days of the Nixon presidency United States relations with China have seen great change. A visit from our Ping Pong team was major international news back then.

Our current economic and political relationship with China is complicated and huge. Matters of human rights, international trade, and the environment hold far ranging global ramifications in this relationship. Will we have the prestige, clout and negotiating leverage previously afforded us by our economic and technological edge? Could the largest economy in the world succumb to national debt that is owned and controlled by others, principally the Chinese, leaving us unable to recover because we don't make anything worth selling anymore.

I feel two immensely important factors effecting China that Mr. Slane did not discuss is first the tremendous growth of Christianity in China. Christianity has the power and is slowly changing China. Second, there has always been a sociological and other divisions between coastal China and interior China. Indeed, the growth of China's economic juggernaut has been focused on China's coast.
My fellow citizens we are at war, it is an economic war and we are falling behind China. The consequence could be instability in our nation and a loss of our national sovereignty. We are squandering our nation's blessings and the wealth we built up over two hundred years. The Lord calls upon us to be stewards of our money and we are failing.

The Intelligent Designer Baffles Science Again

Astronomers have discovered that stars in a distant galaxy move at stunning speeds — greater than 1 million mph. These hyperactive stars move at about twice the speed of our sun through the Milky Way, because their host galaxy is very massive, yet strangely compact. The photo above, which has theorists baffled, is 11 billion light-years away. It is the first time motions of individual stars have been measured in a galaxy so distant.
While the stars' swiftness is notable, stars in other galaxies have been observed to travel at similarly high speeds. In those situations, it was usually because they were interlopers from outside, or circling close to a black hole.
But in this case, the stars' high velocities help astronomers confirm that the galaxy they belong to really is as massive as earlier data suggested.
The compact nature of this and similar galaxies in the faraway early universe is puzzling to scientists, who don't yet understand why some young, massive galaxies are about five times smaller than their counterparts today.
Yale University astronomer Pieter van Dokkum said, "A lot of people were thinking we had overestimated these masses in the past but this confirms they are extremely massive for their size. These galaxies are indeed as bizarre as we thought they were."
Scientists used the new velocity measurements, conducted with the Gemini South telescope in Chile and the Hubble Space Telescope, to test the mass of a galaxy identified as 1255-0. The sun's gravity determines the orbiting speed of the Earth, likewise the galaxy's gravity/mass determines the velocities of the stars inside it.
The researchers found that indeed, the galaxy is exceptionally dense. Galaxy 1255-0 is 11 billion light-years away. 30 to 40 percent of galaxies from this time period are compact like this one. But in the modern, nearby universe, astronomers don't find anything similar.
Somehow, high-mass galaxies from the young universe grow in size but not in mass – they spread out but maintain their overall heft – to become the high-mass galaxies we see today.
van Dokkum said, "It's a bit of a puzzle, we think these galaxies must grow through collisions with other galaxies. The weird thing is that these mergers must lead to galaxies that are larger in size but not much more massive. We need a mechanism that grows them in size but not in mass."
So far, such a mechanism is elusive, (Ah, the mind of God, sometimes the more we know, the less we seem to know.) but astronomers have some ideas. Perhaps these galaxies expand their girth by merging with many small, low-mass galaxies. Or maybe these galaxies eventually become the dense central regions of even larger galaxies.
van Dokkum said, "It could also still be that we are doing something wrong but I think at the moment you could say that the ball is somewhat in the court of the theorists. Hopefully they can come up with some kind of explanation that we can test further."
It is nice to hear a scientist like van Dokkum admit we humans could be wrong. We are only beginning to get a glimpse of the unfathomable mind of our Creator, our Intelligent Designer. It is he who is providing our giant leap in knowledge of his universe. The earth's position in the Milky Way allows us to view other parts of the universe. Indeed, if we were in a different position in our Milky Way cosmic dust would block our normal view of God's majestic universe. In fact, we could not pierce through the dust to view the core of our Milky Way without Infrared, Gamma and X-Ray cameras and devices.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Veterans are Being Called Guerillas!

Congressman Driehaus will be a guest on WVXU's show Cincinnati Edition this weekend but it'll be pre-recorded, taking questions ahead by e-mailer & Twitter

Driehaus likes to say "we have problems and challenges." I believe he is using code words that actually mean I am going to vote for Obamacare.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

BULLETIN: BO's Kenyan Birth Certificate

Uh,Oh, Houston we have a problem!

California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.

This document purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth for Barack Obama, allegedly born in Mombasa, Kenya, in 1961.

The document lists Obama's parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham, the birth date as Aug. 4, 1961, and the hospital of birth as Coast General Hospital.

I have been puzzled. When BO visited his dying grandmother in Hawaii why didn't he take his wife and children? Why didn't BO go to his grandmother's funeral?
Another U.S. President may have been President illegally. Some historians believe Andrew Jackson was not born in the United States.

Mike Wilson's Observations of the Driehaus Town Meeting

Dear Fellow Citizens and Taxpayers,

This is a long, but very important read. This first section is a recap of the forum on Monday night.

About 160 members of the Cincinnati Tea Party and Cincinnati 9/12 Project attended a healthcare forum with Steve Driehaus this evening. We met prior to the event at Mecklenburg Gardens where we had dinner, distributed questions, and went over the rules of engagement.

I had been made aware during the day today that the local Democrat party had sent out a call to supporters because of expected tea party attendance. Here is the text of that email:

Please be aware that there may be some organized opposition appearing from the Tea Party crowd, so your presence and support is important tonight. Take note of the sort of instructions being circulated in some parts of the country to people planning to disrupt event like the one tonight. * Artificially Inflate Your Numbers: "Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive with your questions and follow-up. The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington."* Be Disruptive Early And Often: "You need to rock-the-boat early in the Rep's presentation, Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep's statements early."* Try To "Rattle Him," Not Have An Intelligent Debate: "The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions."

Note that the Democratic email does not directly attribute the quotes to us (The Cincinnati Tea Party) (they are actually from a group called Freedomworks). Our goal in this meeting as previously stated was to, "learn more about his position on the issue, ask questions, and reiterate our opposition to government-run healthcare." I reiterated this message in our meeting at Mecklenburg and asked everyone to be respectful and to maintain decorum at the event. I pointed out we would have a chance to protest as some point in the future, but that was not that night.

Upon arriving, we found that the event was full - mostly with Driehaus supporters and that a limited number of us were allowed in. The crowd sat rather quietly while waiting for the event to start. A woman from the group hosting the event welcomed us and said, "There's an elephant in the room." She then called us tea baggers and read the above quotes from Freedomworks while attributing them to us. She also told us we should be ashamed of ourselves for trying to interrupt civil debate.

In spite of this, the atmosphere was tense, and there were occasional catcalls from the crowd, but anyone who says there was organized disruption is quite frankly lying. A few people were loud at times, but I do not believe they were affiliated with our group and they were certainly not part of the leadership. In fact, I think our restraint was admirable in the face of provocations.
I sat next to a gentleman (I use that term loosely) who cursed at me repeatedly, called me a greedy son of a b****, and said I was probably a racist too. I am certain I wasn't the only one to experience that level of hate.

Driehaus began the event with a 10-minute summary of the process and his position on the issue. At one point, he was interrupted by the crowd at which point I rose and asked that all who stand with me allow him to speak. He then allowed questions.

The audience was allowed to submit questions via index cards which were sorted by the group hosting the event. He also took questions from the crowd due to some frustration with the process. The first seemed rehearsed very well and likely to be a plant, but the rest were fairly random and I give him credit for taking some tough questions.

Some he dodged, some he answered well. A few quick bullet points on the questions that I remember: He was pressed on funding for abortion in the bill and said he would not support a bill that had funds for abortion

He was asked about coverage for illegal aliens in the bill and pointed out that they already received coverage at hospital emergency rooms and that it was not Catholic, or Christian to refuse them.

He was asked if we would be forced onto the public option if we lost our jobs and he answer that coverage was mandated.

He dodged questions about debt/deficit by blaming Bush tax cuts, the wars, and the economy
He dodged questions about what happens if their expectations for savings don't materialize and said there is a trigger in the bill, but did not clarify.

I was finally recognized at the end and asked given that every time government healthcare has been tried we've end up over budget, why would we expect it to be any different this time and how would they control costs without rationing? He responded with the savings/trigger argument. I then pressed on about the trigger wanting to know what happens when the money runs out - isn't that rationing? He finally admitted that they still needed to figure that out.

At some point near the end, cops entered the building. They also came forward at the end to escort him to the back door of the building as many in the crowd were anxious to ask additional questions.

All of this was captured on video and it is a priority for us to make it available as soon as possible.

Mike Wilson
Cincinnati Tea Party

I know our Tea Party strategy is working because my wife heard an Obama supporter say, "These people are everywhere, they ruin everything." I guess what is good for the goose is not good for the gander, I guess only Acorn Democrats can be activists in this country!

My fellow citizens our nation is more divided than ever. Where is the division coming from? The sin of slavery caused division and a civil war in 1860 and I guarantee you if we divide Israel and divide Jerusalem and give it to Jewish enemies bent on the destruction of the Jewish people God will divide our country even further.

What is a trillion dollars? If we spent $1,000.00 a minute from the time Yeshua was born until now - 2,009 years - that would equal a trillion dollars. The Lord calls upon us to be good stewards of our money and blessings and we are squandering our nation's gifts. Once these blessings are gone we and our children will never see them again. Have you ever known an empire or nation to be in such debt and survive? All those empires are gone from Rome to the monarchy in France.

Youtube Video of Driehaus Town Meeting

Keep in mind most of the Tea Party, including myself were outside and could not get in.

We are working to find and confirm additional events around the region. If you know of other events/forums/townhalls, please email We would like information on events from all of our area representitives and senators.

Driehaus Schedule
Driehaus - 8/6 9am - Price Hill Chili
Driehaus - 8/6 5:30pm - Millrace Lodge at Winton Woods

Mike Wilson of the Cincinnati Tea Party and I encourage you to attend as many of these as you can and to use our questions as a guideline. I also ask that you be cool, calm and collected. We will pick a time to protest, but we do not want disruption for the sake of disruption. It makes our side look bad. We have the facts on our side - let's win with them. The strategy is working the professional politicians are concerned but BO and Rahm are going to bring the hammer down on them.

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
God Bless the USA

The Birth Certificate

The issue of BO's birth and birth certificate fascinates me because I do not possess a real birth certificate myself. I am adopted and possess a Certification of Live Birth like BO. Consequently, I find the following information about Farah's new DVD concerning BO's birth and the birth certificate interesting. This is a story that simply refuses to go away. So I thought my audience might be interested in it also.

By the way, long ago I concluded Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. Oswald's shooting record with the U.S. Marine Corps was amazing. He could routinely hit 7 of 8 targets dead on at a distance double or triple that of Dallas. I bring that up because I do not consider myself a conspiracy wacko.

Joseph Farah of World Net Daily has produced the first major DVD documentary on the critical issues surrounding the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as president – but it wasn't easy.

In fact, during the course of shooting and editing "A Question of Eligibility," the award-winning filmmaking team, including veterans of many controversial movie projects, made the unusual request to keep its identity secret for fear of retribution from the administration. "That's how hot this topic is," said Farah. "That's how hot this movie is."

"A Question of Eligibility" is expected to ship to customers on Aug. 4, the date Obama claims as his 48th birthday. Preorders are being accepted exclusively at the WND Superstore.
"I guess you could say it's a special birthday surprise for Obama," said Farah. "But, honestly, I don't think he'll like it. In fact, I believe the facts revealed in this documentary keep Obama awake at night. This eligibility issue is the only issue that threatens not only the future of his presidency, but almost everything he thinks he has already accomplished as president."
In "A Question of Eligibility," Farah chose four key presenters to bring the issue home – WND senior staff writer Jerome Corsi, the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Obama Nation"; Orly Taitz, one of the most visible attorneys involved in filing lawsuits challenging Obama to produce proof of his qualifications for office; Alan Keyes, a participant in one of those lawsuits, a presidential candidate himself, and the Republican candidate who opposed Obama in his successful bid to become a U.S. senator, the job that brought him to national attention; and Janet Porter, an activist and pundit who writes a weekly column for WND.

"What we have produced here is a compelling and shocking documentary that will appeal both to those already steeped in the details of the eligibility story and those who need a video introduction to the major issues," said Farah.

It's a fast-moving, original work shot entirely in Washington, D.C., and based on the voluminous investigative work of the news agency that has spent more time and money on the story than all other news media combined – the WND news team, said Farah.

"I'm hoping people will purchase a copy for themselves and pass it around to their friends – devotees of the issue and skeptics alike," said Farah. "I'm hoping people will share it in their living rooms, at tea party planning sessions and especially with their members of Congress – so officials in Washington can see firsthand that they've been sold a bill of goods about Obama's qualifications."

Farah says sooner or later the truth will come out on Obama's failure to prove his eligibility and maybe even his inability to prove it.

"Obama is choreographing a top-down revolution in America – one from which it may take generations to extricate ourselves," says Farah. "It will be a shame if we learn he was ineligible to serve in the office of president only after he's gone. If we can force the issue to be addressed while he is still in office, we have a chance of turning back the clock on many of the destructive actions he has taken already. If he's not able to prove his constitutional qualifications, we might all be able to wake up one day and think of the Obama administration as just a bad dream."

NOTE: This new DVD will be in stock, Monday August 10th!

Retail: $20.00 • ONLY $18.49 with Free Bumper Sticker! • ORDER DVD NOW!